Okay peoples, here's a rundown as to why I have been conspicuously absent from you all, alas.
Trust me, it has been as horrid for me as it no doubt has been for you, at least, I like to think that it has been horrid. What happened was I was home alone late at night and the cat came in. It was 9.30pm and I'm like ack! cat she has to be inside!!! so I set my laptop aside, jump up to catch her. The phone cord leading from the wall jack to my laptop somehow managed to get wraped around my third toe, consequently causing me to trip, the phone cord to jerk out of the plug that was in my laptop, leaving the plug inside -and- encouraging my laptop to take flying lessons.
And the cat bolted outside so I'm like, SHIT, this is -seriously- not my day.
I turn around and look at my now wonderfully expensive paperweight, the nosedive from the couch to the floor means that it has issues with booting up, as in, it doesn't. And if it -does- manage to stop being a paperweight and load up as a computer, we have all of...10 minutes or so before it decides nooo, too much effort to be a computer and...bzzt, crashed and shut down and I'm rather frustrated.
So yes, we have issues with things today. I'm working my little butt off to save up for a new laptop, I have one deposited on and the xmas stuff all bought so that's well and good, so yeah. I ought to be on around xmas, as I'm going up to my dad's then and he has a computer that works (yay). So that's from the 20th of Dec til the 2nd of Januarary, or for you americans, 19th evening till New Years day. You spastic people.
Good news, my bf from melbourne has been up for the past week, which is great, except it's really hard to argue with someone about going somewhere, or staying someplace when they tend to pick you up. It kinda negates your argument. Annoyingly.
Ah well, that's the update of my rather sad and crappy little life, so yeah... missing you all and lots of love from yours truely, tata!
Thursday, 29 November 2007
Monday, 12 November 2007
I have reached the conclusion, which will most likely be highly offensive to the majority who read my blog, but it's there all the same, is that men are complete and utter idiots. Seriously so.
What caused this realisation? I hate to steriotype, but an 'ex'-muslim pakistani. Things didn't start out to well from the beginning for the simple fact that he can't quite get his head around that in Australia, things are done DIFFERENTLY. For one, women are NOT lesser beings and that any arrogant toerag that thinks that way needs to have his gonads removed, PAINFULLY.
As you can tell, I am in a very -not- good mood.
I met Ali, (the toerag) on saturday as a favour to him, he'd been bugging me for about a month straight to meet him and it was -really- getting on my nerves. So I met him, and he promptly started behaving how a boyfriend would, y'know, insisting on holding hands, wanting to hug, (first it was a kiss, but he dropped that for...fifteen minutes....when I threatened to rearrange his face) and I was like...hell no, dude, we are MEETING not going on a date, FUCK OFF. But, alas, he exhibited a spectacular display in density and somehow missed that little ...hint.
So we got lost for a bit, and then went to a timezone, that was fine. I've still got the timezone card. He of course, got bored with whatever game he COULDN'T beat me at, (he was yet to find one that he could) and kept on dragging me away from them when I was still having my turn which was -really- pissing me off. When he wanted to leave, I reminded him that he has some picture things on his card and whatnot, and he used it as an excuse to fucking kiss me. Which got him an elbow in the ribs and a glare. We went for a wander, back to St Georges Terrace, for those that know their way around perth, and I found Borders (Thanks Xin!!!), it was wonderful....an absolutely MASSIVE bookstore. He of course, had no interest whatso ever in it, and dragged me out again to go to a -really- crappy cinema, no, -theatre- to watch an actually pretty good movie. The Game Plan with The Rock in it. I loved it, he hated it because it wasn't porn.
And, because he wasn't interested in it, he wanted to use the film as an excuse to grope me. BAD idea, -very- bad idea. He almost got a black eye because it was such a bad idea. Of course, he sullked after that. I didn't really care, I was enjoying the movie.
After the movie, I poofled on him, as in, walked swiftly towards a security guard (I'd gotten lost) and asked where Borders was. This was after the...fourth time he'd told me that he was going home. I mean dude, when you SAY you are going to do something, bloody well do it! Don't fuck around.
Gah. So, I got a book, which was good, he called me asking where I was so I brought him into borders. I went looking for another book while he tried to pull the whole boyfriend trick again, and as I was walking away from him, looking at books the idiot grabbed my arms, spun me around and then retained grip on one of my arms. Rather than answering to his demand of 'why don't you want to talk to me?!' I simply said 'Remove your hand from my arm.' Pulling out that lethal aura people that know how to kill tend to carry. That made him let go rather quickly. He started sulking again, argued with me, saying 'I want another kiss, if you don't kiss me then you'll never see me again.' I was like, yay! but said and waved 'Byyyyyee.' So he supposedly 'deleted' my number and stormed out.
Finally. Right?
But between the wrong, and the right, I met a guy on the train. Pretty cute actually, and friendly and ahem...a naturalist. That got me a bit, O_o for a while before my 'meh' attitude arrived, it's no big. To each their own. We got talking, for about....an hour and a half, seriously, and I was enjoying myself, it was a great end to an otherwise pointless day.
And then, my bus wouldn't be arriving until 7.58pm, it was half five and I'm like...I am so NOT waiting for it. "Muuuuuuum, can you come pick me up pleeeeeease?" and we got home, yay!
Unfortunately, the wrong rolls around about 7.30pm. Dickhead texted me apologising, kinda, and demanding to know what my problem was. "I am not attracted to you." He was/is butt ugly, like, seriously. His attitude didn't help matters either. His response? 'There must be something seriously wrong with me that a girl i'm 5 times more attractive than doesn't find me hot'. But I didnt' reply, i'd already told him that he wasn't getting any more texts or -anything- from me. Bye. He didn't believe me.
So now, two days later, he has called me 12 times, left I don't know how many texts, and he STILL doesn't get the fact that I do NOT want to talk to him. The latest he's sent me? 'come on angela, text me or call me, you know you want to talk to me and I ....kinda want to talk to you too.' ....
-_- Now you understand exactly -why- I have reached the conclusion that men are complete and utter idiots?
Oh, and as a warning note, if any of -you- (barring Xin who already knows me) behave in any way, shape, manner or form like THIS jerkoff, I -will- rip your balls off and stuff them down your throat so that you can learn some fucking manners.
Okay, rant over.
Had a Human Biol exam today, which I think I did pretty well in. I wrote for the entirety of the three hours (had multiple choice and short answer done by an hour, so that's like...two hours for two essays. I wrote -heaps-. It was fun. ish.) I'm pretty sure I've got a pretty good mark for it too. The only exam remaining is...English lit. Yay. -_- Ugh. I am so, seriously, OVER people.
What caused this realisation? I hate to steriotype, but an 'ex'-muslim pakistani. Things didn't start out to well from the beginning for the simple fact that he can't quite get his head around that in Australia, things are done DIFFERENTLY. For one, women are NOT lesser beings and that any arrogant toerag that thinks that way needs to have his gonads removed, PAINFULLY.
As you can tell, I am in a very -not- good mood.
I met Ali, (the toerag) on saturday as a favour to him, he'd been bugging me for about a month straight to meet him and it was -really- getting on my nerves. So I met him, and he promptly started behaving how a boyfriend would, y'know, insisting on holding hands, wanting to hug, (first it was a kiss, but he dropped that for...fifteen minutes....when I threatened to rearrange his face) and I was like...hell no, dude, we are MEETING not going on a date, FUCK OFF. But, alas, he exhibited a spectacular display in density and somehow missed that little ...hint.
So we got lost for a bit, and then went to a timezone, that was fine. I've still got the timezone card. He of course, got bored with whatever game he COULDN'T beat me at, (he was yet to find one that he could) and kept on dragging me away from them when I was still having my turn which was -really- pissing me off. When he wanted to leave, I reminded him that he has some picture things on his card and whatnot, and he used it as an excuse to fucking kiss me. Which got him an elbow in the ribs and a glare. We went for a wander, back to St Georges Terrace, for those that know their way around perth, and I found Borders (Thanks Xin!!!), it was wonderful....an absolutely MASSIVE bookstore. He of course, had no interest whatso ever in it, and dragged me out again to go to a -really- crappy cinema, no, -theatre- to watch an actually pretty good movie. The Game Plan with The Rock in it. I loved it, he hated it because it wasn't porn.
And, because he wasn't interested in it, he wanted to use the film as an excuse to grope me. BAD idea, -very- bad idea. He almost got a black eye because it was such a bad idea. Of course, he sullked after that. I didn't really care, I was enjoying the movie.
After the movie, I poofled on him, as in, walked swiftly towards a security guard (I'd gotten lost) and asked where Borders was. This was after the...fourth time he'd told me that he was going home. I mean dude, when you SAY you are going to do something, bloody well do it! Don't fuck around.
Gah. So, I got a book, which was good, he called me asking where I was so I brought him into borders. I went looking for another book while he tried to pull the whole boyfriend trick again, and as I was walking away from him, looking at books the idiot grabbed my arms, spun me around and then retained grip on one of my arms. Rather than answering to his demand of 'why don't you want to talk to me?!' I simply said 'Remove your hand from my arm.' Pulling out that lethal aura people that know how to kill tend to carry. That made him let go rather quickly. He started sulking again, argued with me, saying 'I want another kiss, if you don't kiss me then you'll never see me again.' I was like, yay! but said and waved 'Byyyyyee.' So he supposedly 'deleted' my number and stormed out.
Finally. Right?
But between the wrong, and the right, I met a guy on the train. Pretty cute actually, and friendly and ahem...a naturalist. That got me a bit, O_o for a while before my 'meh' attitude arrived, it's no big. To each their own. We got talking, for about....an hour and a half, seriously, and I was enjoying myself, it was a great end to an otherwise pointless day.
And then, my bus wouldn't be arriving until 7.58pm, it was half five and I'm like...I am so NOT waiting for it. "Muuuuuuum, can you come pick me up pleeeeeease?" and we got home, yay!
Unfortunately, the wrong rolls around about 7.30pm. Dickhead texted me apologising, kinda, and demanding to know what my problem was. "I am not attracted to you." He was/is butt ugly, like, seriously. His attitude didn't help matters either. His response? 'There must be something seriously wrong with me that a girl i'm 5 times more attractive than doesn't find me hot'. But I didnt' reply, i'd already told him that he wasn't getting any more texts or -anything- from me. Bye. He didn't believe me.
So now, two days later, he has called me 12 times, left I don't know how many texts, and he STILL doesn't get the fact that I do NOT want to talk to him. The latest he's sent me? 'come on angela, text me or call me, you know you want to talk to me and I ....kinda want to talk to you too.' ....
-_- Now you understand exactly -why- I have reached the conclusion that men are complete and utter idiots?
Oh, and as a warning note, if any of -you- (barring Xin who already knows me) behave in any way, shape, manner or form like THIS jerkoff, I -will- rip your balls off and stuff them down your throat so that you can learn some fucking manners.
Okay, rant over.
Had a Human Biol exam today, which I think I did pretty well in. I wrote for the entirety of the three hours (had multiple choice and short answer done by an hour, so that's like...two hours for two essays. I wrote -heaps-. It was fun. ish.) I'm pretty sure I've got a pretty good mark for it too. The only exam remaining is...English lit. Yay. -_- Ugh. I am so, seriously, OVER people.
Monday, 5 November 2007
Spastic dream...seriously so, even for me.
Okay, first up, exams, no biggie. I LOVE TEE exams. Why you ask? Because if you finish EARLY, they LET YOU GO EARLY. No sitting there, twiddling your thumbs bored stupid!! It's wonderful.
Oh, and guess what...It's the 5th of November today and, I am going to horribly embarass Xin and...
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, your one hundred and two, you look like a monkey, aaaaaaaand you smell like one too!
jejejeje, keep smiling honey. ^_~
Aanyways, my spastic dream... (I've got a few hours to kill before the end of school hehe)
I'm having issues in trying to get this to make sense, seriously, that's how spastic it is.
Okay, there's this boy, Tommy, or whatever, I'll just call him Tommy for now, whose parents got a recent windfall. Or something, all I know is that he's a kid that was semi-poor, not born into the money that was needed to go to this camp.
It starts at a table, where all the precious little darlings are gathered around and the carer is saying 'and this is Joanne, but she doesn't eat egg, lettuce...' and so on, listing each child and what they did and didn't eat, and eventually got to Tommy. 'And he's really good, he eats liver, black pudding...' and so on, and Tommy's ducked under the table, the pair either side look down and he says 'dont let her make me eat soup!' so one of the precious little darlings pipes up and says with that sneer (no offence) the rich manage to manufacture "I know what would be -wonderful- for dinner, braised chicken and onion -soup-." And a smug smirk as the carer agrees.
Weeks pass, and Tommy is evidently hating the camp, as he tends to wander off on his own alot, and by the lake, or rather, in it, is a was sunken car (the water's receeded) and that's where he stays alot, as the seats have dried out so it's not squelchy. One day, while he goes down there, he comes across a black dog, a doberman crossed with a rotweiler I guess, savage but gentle. So now Tommy has a friend yay!
One night, a few days after that, a feral, and really -ugly- cat sneaks into his room. Wakes him with a loud yeowl and then gives a purring meow, a massive rat crawls out of a hole in the wall and walks up to the cat, which opens its mouth -really- widely, so that the mouth forms an oval, not a normal open cat mouth, really freakylooking, and the rat crawls in, eaten. Another meow and Tommy goes back to sleep as the cat stalks away.
A few weeks pass, and others find out about this cat, they come to capture it. Tommy with the dog at his side are part of the group, and the cat comes, meows hisses and all that, hurts one of the men, and ends up being held by someone powerful (for some reason it's God but I have no idea why, so lets just skip that part...) and scolded, saying that they misused their power so now that power will go to another more deserving while they suffer in insanity, dealing with the repercussions of that misuse. The only way they get solace from the insanity is in the arms of the one they hurt the most.
Go metaphores....and hell. Spastic dream. Really spastic.
Well, now I can sort of make sense of it...kinda.
Aaaanyways, You can't go off at me for not saying happy birthday Xin because I DIIIIID and I'll say it again,
Jejejeje. You know you love me.
Oh, and guess what...It's the 5th of November today and, I am going to horribly embarass Xin and...
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, your one hundred and two, you look like a monkey, aaaaaaaand you smell like one too!
jejejeje, keep smiling honey. ^_~
Aanyways, my spastic dream... (I've got a few hours to kill before the end of school hehe)
I'm having issues in trying to get this to make sense, seriously, that's how spastic it is.
Okay, there's this boy, Tommy, or whatever, I'll just call him Tommy for now, whose parents got a recent windfall. Or something, all I know is that he's a kid that was semi-poor, not born into the money that was needed to go to this camp.
It starts at a table, where all the precious little darlings are gathered around and the carer is saying 'and this is Joanne, but she doesn't eat egg, lettuce...' and so on, listing each child and what they did and didn't eat, and eventually got to Tommy. 'And he's really good, he eats liver, black pudding...' and so on, and Tommy's ducked under the table, the pair either side look down and he says 'dont let her make me eat soup!' so one of the precious little darlings pipes up and says with that sneer (no offence) the rich manage to manufacture "I know what would be -wonderful- for dinner, braised chicken and onion -soup-." And a smug smirk as the carer agrees.
Weeks pass, and Tommy is evidently hating the camp, as he tends to wander off on his own alot, and by the lake, or rather, in it, is a was sunken car (the water's receeded) and that's where he stays alot, as the seats have dried out so it's not squelchy. One day, while he goes down there, he comes across a black dog, a doberman crossed with a rotweiler I guess, savage but gentle. So now Tommy has a friend yay!
One night, a few days after that, a feral, and really -ugly- cat sneaks into his room. Wakes him with a loud yeowl and then gives a purring meow, a massive rat crawls out of a hole in the wall and walks up to the cat, which opens its mouth -really- widely, so that the mouth forms an oval, not a normal open cat mouth, really freakylooking, and the rat crawls in, eaten. Another meow and Tommy goes back to sleep as the cat stalks away.
A few weeks pass, and others find out about this cat, they come to capture it. Tommy with the dog at his side are part of the group, and the cat comes, meows hisses and all that, hurts one of the men, and ends up being held by someone powerful (for some reason it's God but I have no idea why, so lets just skip that part...) and scolded, saying that they misused their power so now that power will go to another more deserving while they suffer in insanity, dealing with the repercussions of that misuse. The only way they get solace from the insanity is in the arms of the one they hurt the most.
Go metaphores....and hell. Spastic dream. Really spastic.
Well, now I can sort of make sense of it...kinda.
Aaaanyways, You can't go off at me for not saying happy birthday Xin because I DIIIIID and I'll say it again,
Jejejeje. You know you love me.
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