I know you!

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

What's the colour of a two cent coin?

(sung to the theme of 'camptown racetrack')


Clad in blue and in pairs they roam; Oh the two cent coin!

It's funny y'know, the amount of two cent coins that wander around train stations as the sun is going down/after it has set. You'd think they'd be around more during peak, when y'know, people can steal handbags and the like easier. But no, places where you're lucky to see TWO, you see eight at 9.30pm where there is like NO ONE AROUND.

But hey, it's all good.

Oh! Uni. I am having a BLAST. It is so much fun ^_^ Fair enough we haven't done anything much yet, and I've seen the course doohickies...outlines, for two subjects, essay in week four, report in week six, another essay in week eight, and week ten, and a report in week....sometime after that XD

Um...Oh! I got a couple of books for my courses, and four ringbound -- you know the sort with a wire forming the 'rings' and working its way down the spine of the book? -- notebooks and three pens. Damage? $145 all told. Only $25 was for the notebooks and the pens. -_- this is for ONE subject mind, and not even all of the books for one of them! ...well, two and a half subjects then.

Tomorrow is a horrible, horrible day. My first class starts at 9.30am. Do you know what that means? That means that I have to get up at 6 IN THE FREAKING MORNING to get there on time! Considering that I have been late for the start of all my classes so far....this is not looking good people.

And I've so far found Uni to be way EASIER than highschool, even my final two years when there's all this stress and stuff to perform. Sure, sometimes the times suck royally, but I'm only there for an average of....what, 3 hours a day? Four hours travel time for three hours of lecture...bleh...but seriously. You get BREAKS in the middle of the lecture! And they rarely (so far) haven't completely filled up all the time, we get to leave 15, 10, minutes before time, have a drink, a quick snack, and then onto the next part or go home! It's absolutely WONDERFUL. I <3 university ^_^ (college, for you yanks)

Sunday, 24 February 2008


It's a late night,
late in the moonshine,
too late for sunshine
I fear.

It's a dark time,
dark in the starlight,
dark in the moonlight,
too dark to see.

Silent shine,
shimmer and glow,
cover the now
in moonshine.

It's a dark night,
a lack of moonlight,
a hint of starlight,
hiding below.


Lets all cheer for a super-short poem from Yours Truely. It is...1.05am and I really should be sleeping, instead I am typing up a post on my blog, my mind is spinning with half formed thoughts of what to say -- maybe I shouldn't have had an iced coffee before working tonight -- and it takes real effort to -- did you know that I like flying? there's something effortless about gliding through the air, no friction, no resistance like you get from the hard ground -- keep what I'm saying coherent. Or even mostly.

At work tonight -- because over the last three days I've had a grand total of seven hours sleep -- well, more before work, I had an iced coffee. I'm starting to think that maybe I shouldn't have -- it was to keep me active at work, and now, with nothing to burn off the excess -- think three year old on a sugar high drinking red cordial -- I'm a little bit whacked out. As you can no doubt tell from the way my sentences jump from topic to topic and back again.

Oh, work. Right. -On- track this time >_> --that reminds me of a joke, two blondes are walking down a path when they come across some tracks. One pipes up 'Oh! it must be kangaroo tracks' the other argues 'no, it's emu tracks'...back and forth, back and forth they argue, hours, 'emu tracks' 'kangaroo tracks!' until, while they were arguing, they got hit by a train -- sad fact of blondes really, that I can see that happening. Where was I? Work!

There was me, the manager, and one kitchen hand.... out of about nine people working, that were -not- trainees. Fun fun. I was on drive pack, and the person that was 'helping' me was a kitchenhand getting crosstrained and OH MY GOD was everything slow! It was absolutely horrid! I couldn't concentrate, couldn't focus, and took FOREVER to get rid of cars -- mind you the timer was broken so I don't know how long it actually took -- but seriously! -- did you know that when you're watching the clock, your perception of time changes and a minute -feels- as though it has lasted longer than it really has? -- like watching a pot boil. You know the adage, a watched pot never boils? It actually does, it takes exactly the same amount of time, it just -seems- like forever -- I did it again didn't I? Went off on a completely irrelevant tangent? -- A tangent is a 45 degree angle from the intended path -- oh! oh oh oh!

A friend of mine, who is absolutely brilliant, I think, in the way the genuine intellectuals are -- no common sense what so ever -- managed to fail his English Lit exam. I'm like O_O how the devil did you do that? I was generally lucky to scrape through on 55% all year, and he was up in the 80's+ range. And he -failed-. Got 40% or something like that. How's that for screwy? I mean seriously, GO FIGURE.

In other news, Uni starts on moooonday and my ever so wonderful mother dearest THREW OUT my timetable. Lucky for her, I wroted it down! ...Just not, y'know, -where- my classes are, just the times. Ah well, I'll print out another timetable and staple it someplace so she -can't- throw it out (I'd magneted it to the fridge as IMPORTANT INFORMATION and she threw it out!!!! garrar! alskdfagnawoeiWELFFKASDGNWELASDKFNAGOWESD!!!! Pronounce that ha!


hehe, that was fun.

I Think I'll stop now, before I degenerate from random to disturbed.

Monday, 18 February 2008

First day on campus.

Okay. Simple procedure, get to Joondalup ECU and enrol. No problem, expect to be home again by 2pm. Right?



First problem in a day that was one, massive headache. The train wasn't going from perth to Joondalup, I had to catch a bus substitute first. Sure, no problem. Catch the bus to Sternville or something, catch the train from there to Joondalup.

Twenty minutes after arriving at said station....the train rocks up.

No problem, boarding the train, ridign the train...get to joondalup train station at around...10.40am ish. Okay. Catch the Joondalup CAT (freebus) to the uni or you could just walk the guy said. Riiight. First, I went the -wrong way- out of the station, then over the -wrong- side of the bridge, turned around, saw said bus, and had to cross a bridge to catch it.

No problem.

Next issue: find the admin or something to enrol.

Across and THROUGH the campus later...We find the library. The library points me to the psych building, so I toddle over to the next building, get set up and start to decide whether to do two minors (Which I wanted to be languages, but it's a rather bad idea to be learning two new languages at once...you tend to jumble them up) or a double major. Yay for double major!

So we go back to the window, they say 'oh, you have to go down to student central and get -them- to do this' ....where is it? 'just down the stairs, across the parking lot. It's the big building over there.'

Great directions, no?

So, we go down the stairs (that were in the building) across the parking lot aaand....there are -three- buildings. Lovely. Eeeny meeny miney...nope, wrong first shot.

Second? Ah-ha! Gold!

Write down my name and wait in line....and wait....and we go to a desk whoo!

They enrol me in three units, the fourth is full, but no problem! You just have to go back to your faculty and get them to sign this. ...which faculty? 'the one you were just at'

great, a criminology subject and we go to psychology for a signature. no, we can't sign this, it's not our department. I've emailed and talked to people, it should be open tomorrow, just come back then. -_- Do you sense a theme here people?

So, me being the stubborn lass I am...and the fact that I don't really want to have to return there so soon if I don't have to, I went over to the library and asked for where the crimonolgy people were...they didn't know, so sent me to student central. They sent me to building 2. No problem. One little walk, one signature, and we're out of here!


See, I walk up to building two (45 minutes after first getting told that I had to get a signature mind you) and ask them to sign it. They say we can't, your lecturer has to. Who's the lecturer, where can I find them?

I get a post it note, with his name and room number on it, and the course code. No problem. Rooom 2.407. ...where is room 2.407?

Student Central to the rescueee!!!!

Room 2.407 is in the building I just left. -_- Except they point me to the other side, I ask for a signature, they say 'no can do, have to get the lecturer' so I walk over the other side, (it's a short walk, maybe 20m) hop in an elevator and go up four stories.

Room 401, 403, 404....407 is...empty. No desk, no chair, no nothing. This is -so- very helpful. Not.

Back to Student Central. Where is he?! 'room 2.407' he is not, I've just beeene there, it's eeeempty. "um..." I take a ticket and wait in line...wait...and go and see a lady that helps me out. She's brillaint. B..something. African. She got the lecturer on the phone and I got a REAL room that he was at! 8.504 Building 8, floor five, room 4. We are in business!

...where's building 8?

oh, that far away? *sigh* I go for another walkies, get lost three times, walk AROUND where I'm supposed to be twice.... and finally find building 8. Problem. The elevator only has four floors, we need -five-. Go up, newp, no luck, go down. Ask for directions. 'Oh, you need the next wing. Just out that door and left until you reach the next wing'

So we go left. Walking walking walking.....that's another building. Where's this wing again? Turn around....ooh! Elevator. Lets go up.

It has five buttons bonus! It's even for building 8, double bonus!

We goes up....and walks to the room, and he's in there yus! (Drat, I've just realised that I got sunburnt. Poo) Get the signature, and he sets up enough so that I'm enrolled and all, I walk back to student central, take a ticket and wait...and wait....and wait. 20 minutes later, I get seen yay!

All enrolled and everything and...timetable? Oh, just log into this SIMU thing, or something like that, and print it out. Great. No problem. Username....?




To cut a long story short (even though it's getting to the end) I have to go up to the library, twice more, once to get my username, a second time to get my student id (dodgy picture...ugh) and then....we go! Almost

Had to run back and see what date the lectures started and everything. So pleh.

Times! 11am, we get told to get a signature. 2pm, we get said signature. 3.30pm, we leave the campus.


Four day week, monday, tuesday, wednesday, friday. Not too horrible.

Sunday, 17 February 2008


Now, I'm not an avid MJ fan or protagonist. I've got, quite frankly, next to no opinion on him, apart from pity. I pity the fact that he adored this one woman enough to have surgery to look like her, even though he denies it, I pity what has happened to him, and I pity the way public opinion has effected him, but I do not hate him, I do not think he actually molested any child, and neither do I really think he was....as great as the records say. I find the songs written by him, for him, as later years, were annoying, fake sounding. Too high to be real. Falsetto always jarrs my teeth.

Some of the other songs he's sung however, those where his voice is in the lower octaves rather than so high, -those- I prefer, because to me, they don't sound...put apon if you know what I mean? Stretching his voice -too- high simply because its what people expect of his voice, you know?

Anyways, what brought this about was a movie by MJ, (Michael Jackson for anyone a little clueless) called Moonwalker. It's an old movie, made back before the media circus started up, back when he was loved by everyone. There's an adventure tale in the middle of it, between concerts and other musical things, that he wrote. It is very very good, considering the age of it, and that he wasn't a professional... but in it, one thing struck out at me. He loved children. Not in the perverted sense, but in the way a big brother would love a younger sibling. There is no 'love interest' that the bad guy kidnaps to get MJ to walk into a trap, but rather a small girl, about 8 or so. The other main characters, on the good side, are two boys. Children.

You can see it, in the way the script is written, the screen play, the acting.... it was genuine. He adored children, loved them as friends, younger siblings. Doted on them. That, I think, more than anything else, proves in my mind that the furor that brought about the bad rep for MJ was just a scam. He loved childred, adored them, not lusted after them.

In the contrast of selves, from how he is in the movie, smiling, cheerful, bubbly almost, to how he is now, withdrawn, silent, avoiding contact with people...it makes me sad, to think that on the word of -one- mother, saying what supposedly happened to her son taken as solid gold -without- medical tests to prove anything (lets forget for now that MJ is castrated to keep his voice high), the world, generally as a whole, turned its back on one of the greastest musical geniuses of the age. Look at his video clips, we have hiphop, RnB, almost break dancing before there were even words for the motions, the concepts weren't even considered....it was just what MJ did, like the moonwalk.

And how his legs were made of elastic rubber and totally not attached to his hips.

It disheartens me, at how cynical the world has become...how cruel.

How very pointless everything you do, or have done, is, when one wrong word, one foul rumour, could ruin your entire life in the blinking of an eye.

Sunday, 10 February 2008

The Sum of...

all our parts.

What makes us, us? Why are humans on the top of the food chain? What makes us individual, how are we made into that individuality?

Are we but a sum of all our parts? And what are these 'parts'? The physical, arms, leg, head, torso, waist, feet, hands, fingers, eyes, nose, mouth, ears? Or is it something else, is it the intangiable, our senses? Touch, taste, scent, sight, and hearing?

What are our personalities? What forms them, what is the equation that gives out the sum of all our parts?

Back on our senses....what about the telepathy, empathy, precognition? The ESP qualities? Are people that have these of a higher evolutionary tract, or a lower one? Have they developed something the most of us do not have, or are they merely listening to their instincts more? Their 'gut feeling' that the higher thinking and evolution of mankind has out thought the need for. It's something to consider, isn't it?

What are the sum of all our parts, and is the sum the same for all of us....or is it the equation that gives us our detail, our differences? What are the parts we're considering...why are some people better at math than the arts, languages than the sciences? Why is there a disparity between the sexes? The way either gender thinks is completely alien to the other...why?

Don't you just love it when I get philosophical and 'deep'? In other news, I have a new laptop, and it is -awesome-. Has. Everything. You name it, my laptop has it, can do it. <3 Bluetooth, wireless, numerous usb ports, camera, mic, ....literally, everything that is the current rage. <3

Been working for 8 days straight now, so i'm a bit tired, just a little, but it's a 42 hour week, yay for 12 hours overtime, 2 time and a half, 10 double time. Lotsa monies ^_^ Uni is happening, yay for an hour travelling time because I can't really move out just yet, unless an aunt of mine (who works at the uni I'm going to) agrees to pick me up (and let me live with her, save on fuel and all that) So....yeah.

I think that's about it, oh, melbourne was a blast, even though there are ALOT of people in melbourne and I'm crowd phobic. Me and my boyfriend discovered that as I got all snarly and grrr and bitey at the invasions of personal space. That was amusing. Not.

That's about all I can say for now peoples, keep smiling and all that, things could be worse.