I know you!

Saturday, 29 August 2009


Okay, sound this out with me. It's been three months, and I have been working every week on saturday night, 6-midnight. Work did -not- have any extra shifts for me, period. not even ONE, for that entire three months unless they called me in because someone called in sick.

I get asked to work in another store, I agree instantly, and make noises about offering them more of my free time as they need it. I work at this other store, actually -enjoy- working at said other store and all of a sudden they require me to work in that store three days in a row? Hmm. I smell something a little bit sus.

So, I check the roster, and lo and behold, I finally have an extra shift! methink mazing! However, they neglected to inform me that there -might- have been changes to my usual routine, and so, I neglected to inform myself of this.

Am I over reacting? is the fact that I -liked- the time spent working in another store -not- synonymous with extra shifts in the store that I was first employed in, a store that miraculously have the extra hours to give me?

Oh, there's another -delightful- part of working there. See, Assistent Manager A is a biatch, and a mean manager. So to complain about Assistent manager A, you have to go to Store Manager B. Slight problem, Store Manager B and Assistent Manager A are good friends... so guess who's word is going to get more weight? Okay, so now we have a problem with Store Manager B, so we go up another rank on the tier to Area Manager C. You with me so far? But alas! Store Manager B and Area Manager C live IN THE SAME HOUSE. Guess who's bedbuddies hmm? And to go above Area Manager C you have to ask.... State Manager? or something? about it, but alas, there is this slight problem of NOT KNOWING WHO THE FUCK THAT IS.

A + B + C = you are screwed.

Monday, 10 August 2009

And now, for your regularly schedualed chaotically supplied diversion of the amusing factor

<3 Total eclipse of the heart. Literally.

Meatloaf! Anything for love.

And that is your reguarly schedualed but chaotically supplied diversion of the amusing factor. Have a nice day ^^


Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Quote of the Month -- and poem

Rylia says, "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pr0n surfed, weak and weary,
over many a strange and spurious site of 'hot xxx galore'.
While I clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning,
and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour,
"'Tis not possible!", I muttered,"Give me back my free hardcore!"
Rylia says, "Quoth the server, 404."

That made me hurt myself laughing. Credit goes to Rylia, and Dianna, and the adult fun-place of textual imaginings known as Shangri-La. But enough about the credit. Now, for a new poem! I haven't been writing as much as I did two years ago, but well, there you have it.

Wish, Wish, Wish.

Wish for a story,
Pray it is true.
Hope they are happy
and love pulled through.

Wish for a memory
of loves first kiss,
hope that it curdled
with a flick of the wrist.

Wish for a dream;
The sky turns red.
Fire on the horizon
mourned by the dead.

Wish for the hope
Where has love gone?
Down the drains of misery,
preyed on by the unbourne.

Hate is the cure,
Pray for the end.
Misery take you,
my long forgotten friend.


Just a simple, short thing really. A ten minute bus trip worth of time. :)


Saturday, 13 June 2009


I seem to be in a complaining mood today, so I shall complain!

First up: LISTEN, think, pause, reply.

Please, for the love of god, when you are TALKING to someone, LISTEN to what they are saying before you spout out some completely off-tangential question. For example, asking someone if they have anything planned for the evening? 'no', do NOT then ask them what they are DOING in that VERY SAME EVENING. The answer will be 'no'. I mean, dude, seriously, you just ASKED THAT.


'what are you doing now?' 'watching tv' 'so what are you drawing then?' .........

.... -_-

'I just said that I am watching tv' 'oh sorry. What are you watching?' 'tv'.

Hint: If you are getting the equivalent of a monosyllabic reply that tells you precisely what you asked and not one whit more, odds are THEY DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU. And please, with sugar on top, do NOT keep asking questions because the conversation (such as it was) not only died, but is buried and slimy with three months worth of rot! Asking questions of 'so... sup' does NOT constitute having 'anything in common', and that, dear idiots, is REQUIRED for a conversation to even OCCUR.

For petes sake.

Oh, and talking about sex doesn't count. 'yeah, so, I just finished wanking' no. Just... no. Please. DON'T GO THERE. If you are confused, go back to the hint, and read it over. Again. And again. And again. Until you get the hint!

Second complaint: COMMUNICATION.

If you send me an email, and I reply to it. You reply again, and without waiting for me to send one BACK to you, you call me? DONT. For petes sake, what was wrong with the medium being used? It was a way of talking that didn't invade, like a phone call does. I use my phone, pretty much, for emergencies only. What if my mother got into a car accident, had both her legs and her back broken and was unconsious, and the doctors needed the next of kin to come down and give a medical history because she was sort of OUT OF IT, but they couldn't get through because I was stuck talking to some dipstick I didn't like, giving monosyllabic answers until he took the hint and left? For pete's sake people. Pick a medium of communication and STICK WITH IT.

Another thing, if you communicate with someone via a somewhat less than reliable source ie. by writing a comment on my blog to me (I read all of them by the way, as I have to verify and allow them to be posted) do be a dear and CHECK BACK ON IT. Odds are if it is TO me specifically, rather than just a thingy comment, then I WILL reply to it, on my blog. Right below your comment. Asking when something happens is all very well and good, but it doesn't help YOU much if you never look back to see what my answer was!


Third thing: Teasing.

Odds are, if you are reading this then you know me. You know that I have issues with insomnia, and even if you -don't- know of this blog, then you will know of the insomnia anyways! So, with this reminder, do not, please, do NOT call me lazy because I got up at 9.30 in the fricking morning. Odds are I'll have gotten to sleep at FOUR. Who's the lazy one now? You going to bed at 10.30pm and getting up at six. Oohhh... you had to get up at six after a whole EIGHT HOURS SLEEP. I have just gotten FIVE and you call ME lazy?

Oh for pete's sake.

Another thing. I have an eating problem. In the sense that I don't. I eat perhaps ONCE a day. Maybe. And that relies heavily on how much I've drunk (juice, or especially milk) in that day as to whether or not I get hungry. If I am not hungry, I do not eat. End of story. "oh you need to eat more" dickhead. LOOK AT ME. I am NOT the thinnest twig in the forest, OBVIOUSLY I eat TOO MUCH. So do NOT for the love of god, tease me about it, or call me up on it. Ever.

Mother dearest snarling at me every time I opened the fridge from when I was ...god I don't know, 13? with a two year break while she and my father separated, until I had to move in with her to finish schooling. So, from three years ago, CONSTANTLY growled at for going to the fridge to get something to eat puts a damper on your appatite. Not having time in the morning to make yourself breakfast, nor lunch while -at- school reduces on your -need- to eat. So you want to call me up on not eating? Go jump off a bridge. Dickhead.

'Teasing' does not mean being crude, making blunt sexual references for metaphores that are perfectly acceptable as the G-8 rating! Seriously people, there is no need to be crass!

Fourth: Friendly vs Social vs Easy.

I am a FRIENDLY person. Not social. And most certainly NOT easy.

You tell someone that you are friendly, and they automatically assume that you will spend every waking minute of every hour of every day with them, or if not with them, with other people out in crowds doing things. This is not always the case! You do such, if you are a -social- person. I am not. I dislike people, intensely, and I -loathe- crowds.

I am friendly. Which is to say I'll talk to almost anyone, get a smile, or a laugh, or even a strange look before they start murmuring about having to stand elsewhere, but I also like my 'alone time'. I would rather curl up somewhere with a book, or a sketch pad and pencil, than go out and -have- to talk to people that I don't like.

You try to explain this to people, and they assume that 'alone time' means something else entirely, and that they can quite easily invade your alone time with their alone time for some 'together' alone time. Thus 'friendly' equates to 'easy' or 'social'.

It is NOT the case. I'm probably complaining to no one, of no one in particular, but I just have to get this out there.

Friendly =\= an easy lay
Friendly =\= a social butterfly
Friendly =\= desperate for attention
Friendly =\= malleable to molding
Friendly =\= anything other than just being FRIENDLY.
Friendly = being polite, listening, smiling, giving someone your attention until such a time as other things occur. This does NOT mean that you need complete and utter devotion from another, this does NOT mean that you need to -give- said complete and utter devotion to someone else.

And no, being friendly but not social is NOT a deficiency! It does -not- need to be 'fixed'. If you cannot wrap your head around this, I repeat myself from before, GO JUMP OFF A BRIDGE.

Fifth, Staring:

Okay, I know eyes wander, it's what they DO. But please, please, PLEASE, for the love of god, do not STARE. Sure, look, but don't make it OBVIOUS. For petes sake, have a sense of decorum and SUBTLETY. Godamn, you'd think that sort of thing would be, you know, COMMON SENSE.

Sixth, Art 'critiques':

If I ask for your opinion on something that I've drawn, PLEASE give me an honest one. If you hate it, say so, but please be able to tell me WHY as well, so that I can improve. More than 'oh I don't like it because that nose is too big' or 'I don't like the way you drew that there'. If you don't like the subject matter, SAY SO, if you don't like the colours used, SAY SO, if you don't like the proportions, SAY SO. Point it out to me, so that I can get better. Give and take people, I want to get better, but to my eye, my drawing isn't getting any better, but according to others I am growing by leaps and bounds. To me, it still sucks, so I'm not that good a judge of my own work. That's why I ask!

But please, PLEASE, if I ask for your opinion, and you say "I don't have one until you draw such and such for me" I am liable to scream. I DON'T want to draw what YOU want me to draw. You want a picture of pinocchio stuck in whatisface's blowhole? DRAW IT YOURSELF. Or pay me to, which will give me your opinion on my art regardless. I mean dude, if you're willing to pay for my shit, you must like it, so why couldn't you just SAY SO.


I think that covers everything that is snapping at me lately, and making me snarl. I sure as hell hope so.


Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Melancholy and loneliness

You know what sucks? When you are lonely for a specific person, or type of person, or something, but the only people around you that offer you company are needy, clinging, and you have to watch every other word with them?

What sucks even worse is when you find that people you think you would get along really well with, and would mesh well with, they up and vanish without a word as to why. Which makes you think back -- hey, this has happened before -- and since. So you miss the folk that leave, while giving a reason, but those that vanish without a word make you cry and think -- Did I do something wrong? What happened? Did something bad happened? Or did they just get bored and leave? -- and then the clingy people ask why you are sad, so you say, and then they get offended and sulky themselves because you don't care enough about -them- to cry over them, and neither can they help to brighten your mood.


Before this, I was feeling like an object, just ... something to be stared at. Which was what was happening. Alot. And -obviously-. Ick.

Now I feel unwanted. But due to objecthood, I want to feel cherished, wanted as a -person- not as a thing. *sighs*

And I've got my first exam tomorrow, another two next week. Great time for emotional/mental crisis! I have the best timing ever. -_- Not.


Tuesday, 26 May 2009

September, september

Oh for it to be september!

GodDAMN I need a holiday. Why is it, I wonder, that EVERYONE wants a bit of your time when you seriously do not HAVE any to give?!

Gyah! And then they complain that you are 'too busy'. -_- Just because I use up all the days in my week with stuff I -have- to do, and that the days when I'm not either working or at uni happen to be in the middle of the week is not -my- fault.

You can do more in the middle of the week than on the weekend anyways. Nothing is open on the weekend. Believe me, I know. That's why I work it.

In other news, I have the aeroplane ticket BACK from the states. Yay! Now I'm not getting deported ^_~

Friday, 20 February 2009

The Economy

The buzzword on everyone's lips; Recession. Closely followed by the hastily whispered and bleeped out 'Depression'. Funny, in Zimbabwe they're thinking of printing the zillion dollar note...which really makes you think how big it will be, how small the numbers, or whether they'll just have rows of the zero's. 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

And I'm probably a few zero's short.

In America we have the trillion dollar bailout. Again, another heap of zeros of dollars pumped into a stuttering economy. Europe was the first to hit the recession, all countries using the 'euro' officially hitting mid-last year. Don't quote me on any of this, I'm just summarising what little of the news I've picked up regarding this topic.

Even China is struggling a little. Nothing about Russia, but hey, who cares about them anyways?

Funny to think, that the -cause- of this catastrophe in the world was, oh so surprisingly, the American Stock Market. You'd think people would have learnt from the -last- time the sodding thing crashed. 1929 anyone? Don't look at me like that. It -actually- crashed in june 1929, but it wasn't until februrary 1930 that the Great Depression was actually officially decried or something.

What's even more funny? Obama introduced his bailout -after- Australia's was implemented by Kevin Rudd, about ...ah.... novemberish? Last year. Around $1000 was given to the qualifying peoples, that was the average. -And- we were instructed to spend it frivolously. And what do you know? It worked! So there is a second one happening in the next few weeks, of around $900 given out this time. Plus school funding, and other such long term beneficiary projects. Now, keep in mind the time frame.

USA - stock market crash, minor recession of unemployment - Euro using countries in recession - Australia has the first stimulus package - USA in official recession - Trillion dollar bailout starting to be argued about in their governmental seats - Australia gets the second bailout tossed about and argued and minor recession is admitted.

Now lets see this again, -before- Australia went into recession, there was a bailout.

USA is already IN recession, heading towards depression, and they are STILL arguing about a bailout. Which is loans given to people with low interest repayment. As far as I know, Australians don't have to pay back the 'loan', just spend it on our economy. Hmm.

And said 'loan' in Australia came BEFORE the recession hit us. Somehow that doesn't put alot of faith in Obama's kneejerk, belated reaction to the impending economical collapse. I get the idea that I think it'll be much the same as in the 1930's of the Depression. Too little, too late. Or too much too late?

Either way, Australia has the 'box seat' in the impending problem, the country that will be the best off as this impending storm breaks open and the threatening Depression becomes a reality. Fingers crossed, eh?

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Yeah, so...

Okay, I had a staff outing today, it was great fun, exhausting, going to Q-zar (laser tag) and loitering in a park playing soccor/football/keepyoff and all that, it was fun, had a blast, got hot and sweaty and exhausted. It was a muggy humid day. I get tagged several times in the game, tag a few others, shoot the HQ alot so my teams won... yadda yadda.

I return to mothers, I'd INTENDED on going home today because y'know, I have to pay the rent. But no, I start at fricking 10am, and stuffed if I'm getting up at 7, again, to travel across the city.

Anyways, I return to mothers and what do I find? But her boyfriend asleep on the couch. I get in quietly, putter around for about 10, 15 minutes, doing little, quiet things, a drink, putting my suitcase away again... stuff like that. I come out of the bedroom, stand in the loungeroom just enjoying the cool, and he wakes up. He says 'hi' first, i return it, sit on the couch and turn on the wii (he bought one too), start playing a game, super paper mario.

I get hot and, silly me, thinking that he was already fucking awake, I get an icypole out of the freezer to suck and chew on and all that fruit. Like you do with an icypole. Unbeknownst to me he's texting mother dearest, complaining that I woke him up.

So, mother dearest gets home, goes off her nut at me about waking up people when they're trying to sleep and all that fruit, and delivers this charming little announcement; If you wake one of us up again when we are trying to sleep you'll have to find someplace else to stay on saturday nights because you can't fucking stay here.


Lovely. Just fan-bloody-tastic. Oh, did I mention that she was all fired up about me moving back into her fucking house while I try to save up for my trip to the US? Oh so kindly charging me rent. $170 thankyou nicely a week. See, $100 for food, $50 for the rego for my car and $20 for electricity. Charming. I'll stay where I am at the moment thankyou, it's fucking CHEAPER.

So, after that lovely little thing, she and he go out, after she asks (tells) me to cook dinner. Sure, no problem, I like to cook. So I get started on it, I start putting in things, like minced garlic and so on, and she goes off her nut at me. Again. Saying that I'd fuck it up, and that THIS was how you did it, showing me and whatnot. Right, whatever.

Either I'm cooking, or you are. If I'm cooking, piss the fuck off and let me cook, sure you've got umpteen years experience in cooking but I LIKE to fucking cook, and to experiment with my cooking. If YOU are cooking, then why the HELL did you ask ME to?

It's simple. Either I rule the kitchen when I'm making something, or I don't. There is no half-way houses.

After that, I wash the dishes as she and the boyfriend go out, again, I've got the dishes done, and drying, and I'd fed the cats, when they roll back in. They go have a shower, mother dearest comes out and sits on the couch. "Could you please come and massage my feet?"

"If I must." I mutter.

"What was that?"


"What'd you say before then?"

"If I must."

"I thought you said; that's a dumbass question."


So I go over there and massage her feet. I am getting SICK of having to do that EVERY fucking week. She's got a FOOTSPA for petes sake, bought for the express purpose so that I DON'T have to do her fucking feet. But no "It's not the same, and the footspa takes so much effort to bring down and set up *pout*."

"Whatever." So rub rub rub rub. Other foot is done, I return to my laptop, and she has the bright idea to ask; "Are you angry at me?"


"Yes, a bit."


Since she was about to go to bed, I didn't want to run out the full spiel, just "You asked me to cook, and then messed with it."

"Fine, next time that I see you cooking something and about to fuck it up, I'll leave you to it shall i?" She snaps back, before storming off to sleep.

Fucking. Mothers.

I have HAD IT with this shit.

So, a new place to rent, organising with my father, or something to store my shit while I go interstate, and a way to fucking cut her from my life. Oh, right, I have to call her, or something, at least once a week while I'm in the USA. Sure, that'd work out, 12 hour time difference, yummo. Fucking hell, I can't even get away from her by leaving the sodding COUNTRY.

I am epically NOT moving back to live with her. So, epically NOT going to fucking HAPPEN.


Monday, 12 January 2009


Gather round, one and all, brothers and sisters, friends and lovers, beloved all! For September is an auspicious month, of great excitement and boon. Of stress and elation, of panic and boxes.

I look down the road of my life and see September and think, yes, this is the time. That is the when, the when the where is decided, the location to be decided, already chosen, when two days of supreme boredome reign during the transition into October.

Ah, you are wondering why, and what on earth I am on about?

To put it simply friends, I. Am. Going. To. The. USA. In. SEPTEMBER.

No if buts or maybes, I AM going. And I am going to stay.

See, last year, around november, I got to thinking about the when. Gotta dodge holiday traffic, and it can't be in either extremes of the seasons, so neither winter nor summer, because it'd be too much of a shock to the system, the abrupt change in temperature. And well, now I have decided. September. Spring. Autumn. The midway seasons.

But first, since I found a ticket, one way, that costs $1500 odd, (that was the cheapest, TRUST ME) but lo and behold, you require a credit card to buy the sodding thing. So, first order of call, get a credit card and a passport.

Do you know what sort of hoops you have to jump through to get a flipping PASSPORT?! Egads. see, I don't have a drivers liscense, obviously, so I gotta get two pictures with two different people that are neither blood relations, but have known me for at least a year, get them to sign the back of the sodding pictures that have to be of a specific size, focused on a specific part of my head and shoulders, too close, too far away and it's kaput. Oh my GOD.

I -also- needa get some money bags. Why you ask? the little plastic thingies so I can deposit the shrapnel I have in my room. All $500 of it. Or there abouts, when I last counted. I've added coins since then. >_> Need my birth certificate, photocopied -and- the original. And a medicare card or centrelink card and and and and. Egads.

And -then- I gotta find some place to get a visa from.

Oh, and the ticket price? See, why I gotta deposit that shrapnel, is that with that amount -and- what's in my bank, ticket is in the purse. Capisce? So, I buy it NOW, then I pay off the credit bill, and can spend the nine odd months saving up for the shift over. And trying to figure out how the hell I'm gonna get all my shit over there. XD Probably by ship. Whoo, 3 months wiht nothing. XD Oh well.

All hyped and stuff, and uni starting soon and gotta get a second job and and and whew.

My year is gonna be busy, methinks.
