I know you!

Saturday, 29 August 2009


Okay, sound this out with me. It's been three months, and I have been working every week on saturday night, 6-midnight. Work did -not- have any extra shifts for me, period. not even ONE, for that entire three months unless they called me in because someone called in sick.

I get asked to work in another store, I agree instantly, and make noises about offering them more of my free time as they need it. I work at this other store, actually -enjoy- working at said other store and all of a sudden they require me to work in that store three days in a row? Hmm. I smell something a little bit sus.

So, I check the roster, and lo and behold, I finally have an extra shift! methink mazing! However, they neglected to inform me that there -might- have been changes to my usual routine, and so, I neglected to inform myself of this.

Am I over reacting? is the fact that I -liked- the time spent working in another store -not- synonymous with extra shifts in the store that I was first employed in, a store that miraculously have the extra hours to give me?

Oh, there's another -delightful- part of working there. See, Assistent Manager A is a biatch, and a mean manager. So to complain about Assistent manager A, you have to go to Store Manager B. Slight problem, Store Manager B and Assistent Manager A are good friends... so guess who's word is going to get more weight? Okay, so now we have a problem with Store Manager B, so we go up another rank on the tier to Area Manager C. You with me so far? But alas! Store Manager B and Area Manager C live IN THE SAME HOUSE. Guess who's bedbuddies hmm? And to go above Area Manager C you have to ask.... State Manager? or something? about it, but alas, there is this slight problem of NOT KNOWING WHO THE FUCK THAT IS.

A + B + C = you are screwed.

Monday, 10 August 2009

And now, for your regularly schedualed chaotically supplied diversion of the amusing factor

<3 Total eclipse of the heart. Literally.

Meatloaf! Anything for love.

And that is your reguarly schedualed but chaotically supplied diversion of the amusing factor. Have a nice day ^^
