I know you!

Saturday, 21 July 2007

Harry Potter!

Yes, I'm a potter lover, an unashamed one too! Awesome books and Radcliffe is cute too. ;D But anyways, I've juuust finished reading the book, HP and the Deathly Hallows. And it. is. AWESOME.

Seriously! I won't give you slower readers any spoilers (took me a grand total of 8 hours to read, or 11 hours since I got it but I didn't open it then, saw the Order of the Phoenix first) aside from the fact that....well, the last word in the book is 'well' and lots and lots of characters die. Six at a rough count, and -no- I won't tell you who. No...wait, seven.

I'll dispell a couple rumours though, Malfoy and Harry DON'T end up as buddies, and yes Harry DOES die, *grin* so does Voldemort, but you'll find that out on your own. Lessee what else....

Newp, I can't say anything else without spoiling! It is an awesome book, very very good. If you've noticed, (I had) that order of the phoenix and half-blood prince weren't as well written as the previous four books? Lacking the detail, still good reads, but not up to the same quality as say the philosopher's stone. Trust me, Deathly Hallows more than makes up for their lack! The first two chapters are a -bit- dull, but you get that, you have to gentle the readers into the action rather than throwing it directly at them. Whew, I couldn't put it down. And then I had people bugging me in THE fight scene and and and...argh!

I'm still a bit hyper sorry, I tend to get like this after finishing a good book, hell a new book is a good thing :D

Anyways, I also went and saw Order of the Phoenix, bloody good movie. Good special effects, they didn't cut too much out of the storyline, there were parts that were only sketched at, Hagrid's foray into the giants for instance, how and wy he brought Grawp back, that they could have gone into a little flash back cinematic thing, perhaps a bit more about the DA (Dumbledores Army) and how they communicated perhaps, to organise the meetings, but the rest was absolutely wonderful. Kudos to the makers!

So yes, I'm back at my mothers, unfortunately and ironically she couldn't work my laptop while i was at my fathers (suck shit!) where as I am having about the same amount of trouble I usually do and I'm not entirely sure of what her problem was lol. I've gotten my hair dyed too, it's a violety-purple red, rather dark, and lighter streaks of blonde through it. It looks rather good actually, I like it. And that's my summarisation for my life for now (oh, and that I -still- haven't done my holiday homework heh, I guess I'd best knuckle down tomorrow eh?) oh! and I bought a CD thing for spanish from Dymocks (a book store) so I can learn proper spanish, rather than mexican XD Ah well. Until another day, adios!

ps. !! I forgot, I caught up with one of my long time friends yester-no wait, friday now, and had a good talk with her. Heh, stunned her when I admitted that I'd contemplated suicide, and even told her how I'd go about it and all. Course, this was after I told her all the stuff I had to pay and whatnot (check a previous post to see how much I'm worth a month) and she doesn't like my mother now, ironic, considering that she was charmed by the lady. Thought she was alright you know? But then, everyone who meets mother dearest does, they think she's wonderful. Ah well. *shrugs* And I swear that's it! I'll shut up now before my post gets 'scary long'.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Angela, what the? I thought you weren't spoiling anything?

Yes, I've read the Deathly Hallows (been thinking about it all day. It's just... damn! What an awesome...), but clarifying rumours is saying "This *definitely* won't happen, oh but that will." Personally I think it's quite horrifying to hear it second hand that Harry actually dies!

I do sympathise though. My brother unmercifully yelled on the phone *just* before the siege. Not like I had kept quiet for him for you know, 20 hours or however long it took him to read.

5th movie = excellent. I'm in love with Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood). Gotta go!