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Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Pokemon White 2: Review so far

So! About a week or two ago I bought pokemon white 2, while very very patiently waiting for White and Black 2 -- that is, the first Pokemon White and the Black sequel, no I didn't buy the same game twice.

Having gotten through the majority of Black before the grinding got to be a bit too monotonous for too little gain (Levelling up to try and take on Cynthia and the elite 4 for a second time) I know the main story line, it's just the little final details of finding the last of the sages, capturing Tornadus, and so on. So! I was waiting, most impatiently, for the sequels to arrive. (Okay, not really, I had other things to do as well) But, eventually I received the game! Whoo hoo. (A pox on assignments needing to  be done in the same time frame, but, priorities)

Spoilers below the break!

I am only partway through, up to four badges, and one of the first things that struck me, since this game is a sequel, and you are obviously playing the exact same character bit from the previous game, just you know, two years old, and the first people you meet are Cheren and Bianca (your friends from the last game) and they don't know who you are. Which was all well and good with the previous installments, but this is a sequel. I understand that it'd be a -little- bit skewiff if a beginning trainer had access to Reshiram/Zekrom, but it would have been nice if there was some mention of the pokemon in your beginning story, saying that you'd simply parted company for a little bit, you getting more schooling in, them going off to look for N and their other half or SOMETHING so that when you are ready in this new story line, you encounter them again, have a reunion/recapturing battle or something. But, nope.

Nada. Nothing. Zilch. What happened to the previous you? Did you DIE or something? o.o Is that why no one knows where you are? Or who you are?

Also, I am REALLY really really happy that White 2 (I haven't tried black2 yet to verifty) has growlithe in it! Zomg. Love the pokemon. And it's in there EARLY. You don't have to wait and try and track down a swarm to catch one (like with Houndour. Level 25 houndour and you're trying to catch it with a level 60 pokemon. Not cool Gamefreak) aah aha haha! Yay. There is also the World Tournament something or other in Driftveil city, and if you talk to one of the people there who 'knows everything about the strong trainers' 'unova' is an option, which IMPLIES that you can can can caaaaan get to the other areas! Which. Would. Be. Awesome! So awesome. Safari zone! Safari Zone(s)!! Lots of them! Also, Skyla's planes (I forget the city name, deal with it) can carry passengers now, because you can't get somewhere on foot. Another hint hint nudge nudge that you might be able to get to other zones. If you recall in Silver/Gold (HeartGold and SoulSilver as the later DS editions) there was a train that wasn't available yet, but there was a station for it in Celadon city? You have to go through the elite four and get to the next area to fix whatever was over there to catch the train back yadda yadda? Hopefully! Fingers crossed, there is something similar for the planes! But, either way, we shall find out when I get up to the next stage.

So far, I am both happy and annoyed with the game, there is so much that you can DO and it's barely started, there's also no real 'need' so far, for the initial HM's. You get HM Cut without realising how useful it is to get those pesky trees out of the way and how frequently they CROP UP. (also, in the older versions you could manually tell your pokemon to cut and a la Link in Legend of zelda you could cut the grass down! No pesky repels for wandering through grasslands, just mow the lawn). You get HM Strength with a similar sense of pointlessness (I need this ...why?) and then there is HM Fly (whoo, something I can use but ...I've visited maybe 5% of the map, it is literally walking -- or riding -- distance to EVERYWHERE). I've just gotten HM Surf and it's again the sense of 'I need this... why?' it's not that you need them for ...you know, to progress the story in the least, it's just 'oh hey you'll need this at some point so here you go!' Which is a teensy bit tacky. But. Wild. Evee's. Yes! They exist! They are a THING. They're in ...In... Oh that main port city. Castelia City, there we go. See, you go into the sewers, wade through the rattata's and zubats and grimers, going down the stairs, up across the bridge, left along that hallway, down across the other bridge, and then left until you come across some more stairs. You go up these stairs (once you've done the story part that has you venturing in there in the first place) and come to a place with light green grass on one side, and dark green grass on the other, with a tree in the middle and some guy that says 'this is supposedly where it all started for castelia city'. Wonderful.

Walk through the grass. A lot. You'll come up against pidove and umpteen million petlil/cottonee, before, lo and behold, a wild EEVEE. Oh. My. God. Total nerdsquee. Now I don't have to breed bazillions of them! Now the shiny hunters can do their encounter thing to randomly walk into a WILD SHINY EEVEE aaaah.

There are also weekly events, for example in the ancient ruins, on monday wild pokemon fly there from all over for no apparent reason. No no. Don't walk in the dark sand to find them. There is a little macro whatsit image of the pokemon that has flown there for that time. Which is rather neat.

The area where the zoroark was in black/white and you could only get it through an event, is now opened up, but you can still 'talk' to the zoroark, once, as it is illusioned, it tells you about it, wanders off, the illusion goes away and aaaaah you were fooled by the zoroark! Don't worry, you get a zorua as a gift, it used to be N's, and it is HILARIOUS when it first comes out of your pokemon party, because it takes on the likeness of the 6th pokemon in your party (tough if it is the sixth) but for ages my zorua was appearing as my psyduck. XD Ahhhh.

And I have the problem of disliking flying type pokemon. I HATE the birds. Ugh. I have no idea why, but I just dislike them with a vengeance. Maybe it's my early childhood memories of trying to catch zapdos and he wouldn't get in the freaking pokeball. You are asleep with 1hp GET IN THE BALL. Get in. Get in the... ah fuckit, faint and become xp for my pikachu. 

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