I know you!

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Re: Your Brains

You know, I think I love Jonathan Coulton's songs....they're awesome. And these clips are pretty good too. Yay for spiffworld!

Also; Downloading illegally is bad. Please hunt out and buy his songs as they are cool! Here are some more for sampling :D

I feel Fantastic

Blue Sunny Day

The Future Soon

He's got many others too! (My particular favourite is First of May, but youtube doesn't like it because it has some Bad Words) In the theme of sharing things that everyone else knows, here is the endings for Portal and Portal 2.

So. Awesome. I -think- Coulton wrote both of these songs too. But, it was a while ago when I found it out, either way, they are still awesome. -- The credit ones, that is.


Portal 2


~Think of the possibilities

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