I know you!

Thursday 29 November 2007

Nosediving computers, yay!

Okay peoples, here's a rundown as to why I have been conspicuously absent from you all, alas.

Trust me, it has been as horrid for me as it no doubt has been for you, at least, I like to think that it has been horrid. What happened was I was home alone late at night and the cat came in. It was 9.30pm and I'm like ack! cat she has to be inside!!! so I set my laptop aside, jump up to catch her. The phone cord leading from the wall jack to my laptop somehow managed to get wraped around my third toe, consequently causing me to trip, the phone cord to jerk out of the plug that was in my laptop, leaving the plug inside -and- encouraging my laptop to take flying lessons.

And the cat bolted outside so I'm like, SHIT, this is -seriously- not my day.

I turn around and look at my now wonderfully expensive paperweight, the nosedive from the couch to the floor means that it has issues with booting up, as in, it doesn't. And if it -does- manage to stop being a paperweight and load up as a computer, we have all of...10 minutes or so before it decides nooo, too much effort to be a computer and...bzzt, crashed and shut down and I'm rather frustrated.

So yes, we have issues with things today. I'm working my little butt off to save up for a new laptop, I have one deposited on and the xmas stuff all bought so that's well and good, so yeah. I ought to be on around xmas, as I'm going up to my dad's then and he has a computer that works (yay). So that's from the 20th of Dec til the 2nd of Januarary, or for you americans, 19th evening till New Years day. You spastic people.

Good news, my bf from melbourne has been up for the past week, which is great, except it's really hard to argue with someone about going somewhere, or staying someplace when they tend to pick you up. It kinda negates your argument. Annoyingly.

Ah well, that's the update of my rather sad and crappy little life, so yeah... missing you all and lots of love from yours truely, tata!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Hm, that's strange. Your boyfriend's been here all week and you didn't write anything about him except to mention that he's been here!

How have you access to the internet if your laptop's been totaled? And why haven't I heard more about the boyfriend?