I know you!

Thursday 6 December 2007

Sail beyond.

Sail upon the midnight sky,
walk the waters of eternity,
swim amongst the sands of time
and there is where you'll find me.

Encased within an isle of water,
buried beneath a heart of fire
burning in the land of death,
throbbing with the blaze of desire.

Sing a song of purity
with the blackest of hearts,
tell a tale of solemnity
with laughter from the start.

Find me, free me, ask me a boon;
tell me, taunt me, give me your sword;
hate me, love me, burn from within--
only then will I give you my word.

Tell you the secrets you crave,
the knowledge I have seen,
what you want, what you need;
where you have been.

Every boon must have a price,
and every price must be paid
for what is lost should be replaced,
else nothing but sorrow will be gained.

So wary, ever wary,
ever cautious must you be,
if you seek the land of death
to ask a boon of me.

Written shortly after watching pirates of the carribean three -- awesome movie, a must see I reckon, solely for the marriage scene. They're on this ship, fighting, Will asks Elizabeth to marry him.

"I don't think now's the time."

"Now may be the ONLY time." Clash, clang, sword fighting fishery sailors.

"So what's your answer? Will you marry me?" <-- still will.

"Barbosa!" <-- Elizabeth


"Marry us!"

"I'm a little BUSY." See, Barbosa is fighting off the Flying Dutchman's fishy crew as well.

"NOW." Don't argue with elizabeth.

Barbosa jumps up on the bit of wood before the wheel and says "Dearly beloved, we're gathere here --" Clash, sword slice, Will and Elizabeth fight hand in hand, twirling around each other and stuff "Will, do you take her--"

"I, will turner, take Elizabeth swan to be my wife."

More fighting.

"Elizabeth, do you..." more fighting by barbosa

"I Elizabeth Swan, take you to be my husband in sickness and in health" sword swing fight fight "Health being the less likely--" more fighting.

"I captain barbosa now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the--" he has to jump down and fight some more "You may kiss...." more fighting. "Just kiss!"

I love it. <3

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yes, yes indeed, PoTC was tops.

The poem you wrote has some powerful imagery. I can't say I know what a boon is, though...