I know you!

Thursday 20 December 2007

The Future Soon...

Awesome flick. Awesome song actually, but yeah.

Let's see, i am at my dads at the moment, yay for semi constant internet access...for two weeks. *sighs* I'm honestly sick of the world, and everything within it. It's like...i've reached the end of my patience for anything. For people, for the inanities and banalities of life. Although that song is neat, The Future Soon.... brings a note of hope to things, doesn't it?

I'm in an odd mood today, at the moment, melancholy. I want to play my harp, yet I do not have one. I want to play my flute, yet I do not have one, I want to play a piano, yet, again, i do not have one. I should not know how to play -any- of these, yet I do. I have had no lessons in music, ever, yet ...I want to fill the air with the notes of my creation, fill my ears with the pure melody that I have within and....I cannot.

It is very disheartening.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

That movie was a work of art.

Cheer up Ange- there are other ways to make music. Make your own instrument, save up, get hold of a recorder, or just use your voice.