I know you!

Saturday 29 December 2007

Ah...the joys of being quoted.

Xin, Derrick here, couldn't help following the link in your post. another warning, slight metaphysic ahead.

anyway i'll try to cover what i haven't yet in my comment on your spaces blog. start off with a quote.

"the only difference between an enlightened man and an unenlightened one is that one knows it, while the other does not."

no philosophy is flawed. they simply exist. if you can discard all notions of flaw and flawlessness, that is good, because you are what you are. if you cannot, and remain concerned about whether you are following a "correct" philosophy, that is also good, because you are still what you are. we cannot judge a philosopher to be "better" than a hedonist, because the existence of both is essential for the existence of the universe. you could use the idea of "God's plan" as a metaphor- the current existence is perfect, because it is the only possible existence.

personally i feel that there is nothing more to know other than what i already know. my existence in the universe serves to bring about the continuation of the universe. if i did not exist- but i cannot not exist, because i exist. since i am a part of a perfect system, i am perfect. i know that i cannot know everything, and that knowledge is enough.

and if people choose not to get around that concept, so let them be. if they are the happier for it, then good for them.

i'm not saying that all moral judgements are irrelevant- i am not exactly a nihilist. i only believe that everything that happens happens because it must happen, and thus this existence is perfect. it doesn't make me happy, but i am glad in knowing that i am not happy because i was meant to be sad.


Obviously, that comment wasn't for me. Yay for people with multiple blogs assuming that -others- keep multiple blogs. A little common sense please, when something from ANOTHER BLOG is quoted WITH A LINK to that blog, isn't it -generally- safe to assume that the OTHER BLOG is by, shock horror, SOMEONE ELSE?!

Nevar! who ever heard of such a thing? Preposterous!

So, be a doll Xin dear, and pass this on to him hmm? Cheers.

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