I know you!

Saturday 19 July 2008

I just have to share this.

Sometimes, I wish I wasn't a soft, squishy marshmellow inside. I'm yet to stop crying from this.

Christian the Lion.

The last bit I don't agree with, the whole, get in contact with someone today etc, that irritates, but the rest...*sniffs* so sweet.

That lion totally doesn't remember them. Totally.

What would it be like, to have an affectionate cat twining around your ankles, except that his shoulder is at your waist? Staying upright with the normal domestic cat is enough of a struggle...but my god, how awesome would that be to have a LION demanding the same attention? *cries more*

1 comment:

Sarah said...

What a beautiful, beautiful video. It made me smile for reasons I still don't understand.