I know you!

Thursday 24 July 2008

My day out!

Yay I had a day out! That wasn't either work or university XD Which reminds me, it starts next week, joy of joys, yay for getting up at half past sparrows fart. -_-

Anyways, I went out today, and saw a couple movies and bought some stuff. It was fun.

No you silly people! That's not the entirety of my post, you KNOW I'm more verbose than that. Sheesh, what were you thinking?

First and foremost, I have to say this as it's really ironic, I don't know if he does it deliberately, but Xin -- friend of mine, mentioned previously of those that recall him -- seems to have all these wonderful friends that I get along REALLY WELL with. Seriously. Lee, Leigh, however she spells her name, is a whole 147.5cm, which is around 4'10" for those of the american persuasion. So little! Wonderful sense of humour, bright and bubbly and effervescent. I never thought I'd use that word to describe someone, but there you have it. She's got shoulder length brownish hair, about half a foot shorter than me (as mentioned), fair-skinned, and yeah. We got along really well, I feel kinda bad in retrospect, I mean, she's -his- friend after all, and we kinda y'know...sort of made him a third wheel. Oh well.

We went to a couple stores together, he introduced me to JB Hi-fi, which is AWESOME. An electronics store that offers almost as great a variety in cds, dvds, and games as Borders does books! It even has a section for the multimedia devices, ipods, mp3 players, cd players, cameras and earphones etc. As such, we went back to it, and I bought a couple dvd's, Hercules, A Knights Tale, Jekyll (it's a series, VERY good, I've mentioned it previously) and Tales from Earthsea -- an anime. Out of the four, there's only one I'm a bit wary about, and that's the anime. It will most likely be of good quality, granted, it's from ....eboch or somehting, studios, the son of a really good anime writer etc made it, buuut... the Earthsea series? the books? Nooot that great, I found. Perhaps I just couldn't get into them.

Anyways, the first trip was only brief, as we had a movie to catch. Hancock, starring Will Smith. Now, I know people have raved over it yadda yadda, but in all honesty it wasn't that great. Not totally horrid, but not that great either. Limited backstory, the reason explained away by the main characters 'amnesia', which was a rather shoddy excuse, I would have enjoyed the backstory, even if it was flashback. So, without giving too much away, I will say this -- worth the price of admission (around $12), but not the price of buying it. See it in cinema's or rent it if you're too slow, but as a permenant member of your DVD collection? No thankyou.

The second movie I saw, The Dark Knight, a batman film with Heath Ledger as the antagonist and I forget who was the protagonist (batman), but, it wasn't bad. Not great, but neither that bad. Some good CGI (I liked the way his motorbike comes out), and the special effects were pretty good, but the overall plotline? Not that great. Some -great- quotable lines in there, and unforeseen quirks of the storyline, but it was kinda mostly predictable. One of the lines I love;

"Madness is like gravity," (this was from the joker while he was strung upside down, courtesy of a bat-string) "All it needs is a little -push-."

So yeah. This, rent, buy, or see in cinema. The end was lovely, if unexpected, and it almost made me cry. :( BUT! I won't spoil it for you, so go and see it for yourself.

Lets see...what else...

Nope. I think -- oh!

I've grown! I'm slightly taller than I was last time I saw Xin hehe. Rather than him being about two inches taller than me, he's now half an inch. whoo! Go me. Go go go me.

Yes. Now I'm done.

Smile, it confuses people -- what have you been doing?


Sheetal Budhraj said...

Hey...that was some story...interesting as well...very readable...i liked your blog...it entertains...i especially liked the line - 'madness....gravity....push'

You write well!

Anonymous said...

I loved the Dark Knight. Heath Ledger was an absolutely amazing actor in this movie! He was so believable. Shame he died. As for shopping, I used to love just taking a day off to go shop. Alas the Army doesn't pay enough for me to go shopping all the time anymore.

Sarah said...

You saw the Dark Knight after we left? I'm glad you did more with your day- sorry to have left you early!

And don't worry about it, I encourage friendship on all levels. Lee's an interesting character I hope you get to know better- she's coming to Mandurah with us if we're all still going!