I know you!

Sunday 14 December 2008

A cup of sugar with a bit of salt thrown in

Is apparently what I am, according to a workmates stepfather. Relayed from him to her to me. That's alot of relaying. Is that a good thing...or a bad one?

Also, CHRISTMAS is just TWO weeks away! Not this thursday, but the next!! It's hard to believe, isn't it? Got most of my christmas shopping done, apart from two people. One is because it is being shipped from the US and will be here in 20 days. -_- and the other because I have NO IDEA what to get her. The aforementioned workmate is the her.

Also, seven week old kitten = not much sleep. -_-

Mother's boyfriend brought it home, and she's fixated on me, since they kept her in what was my room, sleeping on my quilt, on old pj's...of mine. So when I dropped by for the weekend (and had to housesit because of little darlings) she took a whole five minutes to say 'hi', and now i have a furry slipper shadow. That tends to be hyper when it's sleep time. And doesn't want anyone else. *sigh*

Oh well.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Kittens = love

Might I be the recipient of that US shipped present of yours?
I have a gift in return~
Shall we have our own belated Christmas celebration?