I know you!

Monday 1 December 2008

I squiiiiii!

Because I have a wiiiiii!

Seriously. I'd been saving up my extra notes since august pretty much, and when I was getting into the high triple digits I priced a wii. Around $390 was what I'd found. So I went back to my saved up spare cash, hmm. $300 odd, I need $400 for the wii, plus around $50 for a game ...make it about $100 to be safe, and get the upper end of the games as well.

No problems. I work, I sleep, life goes on as expected, with ten, twenty, the occasional fifty going into my wii savings. I go on holidays for two weeks up at my dads (that was AWESOME, so relaxing and I was sleeping at NIGHT again!) come back home, give the landlord $420 for the rent, two weeks holiday plus this weeks.... and lo and behold, I am broke and have no food. Hmm. well, I expect to have no food.

Surprisingly, my vegetables that I bought about a month ago were still edible. So I tossed up a pasta dish, spaghetti bolognaise, ran out of pot (The thing you cook it in silly) before I'd added everything I'd intended too, cooked up about a packet and a half of spaghetti and voila! We has fud for the next week and a half. XD

I also discovered -why- I was/am broke, I didn't get paid over my holidays. -_- HEADS WILL ROLL. I don't blame Joondalup KFC for not paying me, since I've quit, but I -do- blame midland. So, on saturday if I haven't gotten paid before then, I will seriously go off my tree at them. And demand 28 hours of pay. Upfront. (that's how many hours of holidays I got >_>)

Also, today was hyper productive. I went to no less than seven places and put in a resume, and the only one that replied with a 'perhaps' that -wasn't- into next year, was a bar. XD Oh well. Also applied at myers, david jones, eb games, jb hifi, and a bank. Oh, that's only six. My bad.

So! I have stuff all food, but I have a wii, 3 games for it, credit on my phone, my smart rider (for public transport) topped up and a possible second job for christmas. Life. She be goooooood. :D

(who needs to eat anyways?)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Nice! It was so worth it, wasn't it? Wii's are awesome.

Which games did you get? I might be able to recommend some~