I know you!

Friday 24 August 2007

I had a dream...

yes, another wacked out dream. This one had an actual message in it, god knows what, but there you have it.

I am standing in a dark room, not dark as in a lack of light, but dark as in the decore, the feel of the air. At my feet, kneeling, is a girl weeping, with short ragged cut hair hanging down over her face, covering it. She is weeping, her shoulders shaking under the robe that once was white, but is more the interminable colour of dirt. I just stand there, looking down at the top of her head, and she whispers between sobs "if only you knew, knew what I know..."

A few moments of silence, and still she weeps, another soft whisper "What I know, I would not wish on you, but I must..." I'm just looking there, looking down at the girl at my feet as she sobs, not saying anything.

She looks up and I get a jolt, for she has no eyes, just ragged holes, black as night where her eyes were, gazing up at me and she says, ever so softly, still with crimson tears dripping down her cheeks "I would not wish your path on any, for I have walked it, and would not wish you to..." and there she stands, my height, I blink, another jolt, she is me, me a few years from now, but still me. I am not me but something slightly other, something else, but she embraces me, holds me gently, and then steps into me...and I know, know what made her weep. Know what made -me- weep.

I look in the mirror off to the side, and I am not me, but I am. I am me, but I am more...

You recall the dream where i was golden skinned with the red tinge? That is me, and the firey glowing orbs of my eyes hold too much knowing...and I know what made me weep, and know what happens in my life...

And then I wake up. Still knowing.

Not pleasant to say the least.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

This is very interesting. Mayhap you should go to a reliable dream therapist to see what he or she makes of your subconscious?