I know you!

Sunday 24 February 2008


It's a late night,
late in the moonshine,
too late for sunshine
I fear.

It's a dark time,
dark in the starlight,
dark in the moonlight,
too dark to see.

Silent shine,
shimmer and glow,
cover the now
in moonshine.

It's a dark night,
a lack of moonlight,
a hint of starlight,
hiding below.


Lets all cheer for a super-short poem from Yours Truely. It is...1.05am and I really should be sleeping, instead I am typing up a post on my blog, my mind is spinning with half formed thoughts of what to say -- maybe I shouldn't have had an iced coffee before working tonight -- and it takes real effort to -- did you know that I like flying? there's something effortless about gliding through the air, no friction, no resistance like you get from the hard ground -- keep what I'm saying coherent. Or even mostly.

At work tonight -- because over the last three days I've had a grand total of seven hours sleep -- well, more before work, I had an iced coffee. I'm starting to think that maybe I shouldn't have -- it was to keep me active at work, and now, with nothing to burn off the excess -- think three year old on a sugar high drinking red cordial -- I'm a little bit whacked out. As you can no doubt tell from the way my sentences jump from topic to topic and back again.

Oh, work. Right. -On- track this time >_> --that reminds me of a joke, two blondes are walking down a path when they come across some tracks. One pipes up 'Oh! it must be kangaroo tracks' the other argues 'no, it's emu tracks'...back and forth, back and forth they argue, hours, 'emu tracks' 'kangaroo tracks!' until, while they were arguing, they got hit by a train -- sad fact of blondes really, that I can see that happening. Where was I? Work!

There was me, the manager, and one kitchen hand.... out of about nine people working, that were -not- trainees. Fun fun. I was on drive pack, and the person that was 'helping' me was a kitchenhand getting crosstrained and OH MY GOD was everything slow! It was absolutely horrid! I couldn't concentrate, couldn't focus, and took FOREVER to get rid of cars -- mind you the timer was broken so I don't know how long it actually took -- but seriously! -- did you know that when you're watching the clock, your perception of time changes and a minute -feels- as though it has lasted longer than it really has? -- like watching a pot boil. You know the adage, a watched pot never boils? It actually does, it takes exactly the same amount of time, it just -seems- like forever -- I did it again didn't I? Went off on a completely irrelevant tangent? -- A tangent is a 45 degree angle from the intended path -- oh! oh oh oh!

A friend of mine, who is absolutely brilliant, I think, in the way the genuine intellectuals are -- no common sense what so ever -- managed to fail his English Lit exam. I'm like O_O how the devil did you do that? I was generally lucky to scrape through on 55% all year, and he was up in the 80's+ range. And he -failed-. Got 40% or something like that. How's that for screwy? I mean seriously, GO FIGURE.

In other news, Uni starts on moooonday and my ever so wonderful mother dearest THREW OUT my timetable. Lucky for her, I wroted it down! ...Just not, y'know, -where- my classes are, just the times. Ah well, I'll print out another timetable and staple it someplace so she -can't- throw it out (I'd magneted it to the fridge as IMPORTANT INFORMATION and she threw it out!!!! garrar! alskdfagnawoeiWELFFKASDGNWELASDKFNAGOWESD!!!! Pronounce that ha!


hehe, that was fun.

I Think I'll stop now, before I degenerate from random to disturbed.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Your first day at uni! Aww, Angie's all grown up.

(it was my first day too! blah)

How was it? Is there going to be a blog post about it?