I know you!

Tuesday 26 February 2008

What's the colour of a two cent coin?

(sung to the theme of 'camptown racetrack')


Clad in blue and in pairs they roam; Oh the two cent coin!

It's funny y'know, the amount of two cent coins that wander around train stations as the sun is going down/after it has set. You'd think they'd be around more during peak, when y'know, people can steal handbags and the like easier. But no, places where you're lucky to see TWO, you see eight at 9.30pm where there is like NO ONE AROUND.

But hey, it's all good.

Oh! Uni. I am having a BLAST. It is so much fun ^_^ Fair enough we haven't done anything much yet, and I've seen the course doohickies...outlines, for two subjects, essay in week four, report in week six, another essay in week eight, and week ten, and a report in week....sometime after that XD

Um...Oh! I got a couple of books for my courses, and four ringbound -- you know the sort with a wire forming the 'rings' and working its way down the spine of the book? -- notebooks and three pens. Damage? $145 all told. Only $25 was for the notebooks and the pens. -_- this is for ONE subject mind, and not even all of the books for one of them! ...well, two and a half subjects then.

Tomorrow is a horrible, horrible day. My first class starts at 9.30am. Do you know what that means? That means that I have to get up at 6 IN THE FREAKING MORNING to get there on time! Considering that I have been late for the start of all my classes so far....this is not looking good people.

And I've so far found Uni to be way EASIER than highschool, even my final two years when there's all this stress and stuff to perform. Sure, sometimes the times suck royally, but I'm only there for an average of....what, 3 hours a day? Four hours travel time for three hours of lecture...bleh...but seriously. You get BREAKS in the middle of the lecture! And they rarely (so far) haven't completely filled up all the time, we get to leave 15, 10, minutes before time, have a drink, a quick snack, and then onto the next part or go home! It's absolutely WONDERFUL. I <3 university ^_^ (college, for you yanks)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I too love the freedom that comes with university life. However, being at uni for an hour or two a day and spending the rest of it lounging around at home is incredibly demotivating. What is this "work" you speak of?

What's a two cent coin? I now assume you don't speak literally.

It should not be taking you four hour to get to uni. There has to be another way that'll save time. Maybe try a train to Joondalup? It should take half an hour from Perth.