I know you!

Sunday 10 February 2008

The Sum of...

all our parts.

What makes us, us? Why are humans on the top of the food chain? What makes us individual, how are we made into that individuality?

Are we but a sum of all our parts? And what are these 'parts'? The physical, arms, leg, head, torso, waist, feet, hands, fingers, eyes, nose, mouth, ears? Or is it something else, is it the intangiable, our senses? Touch, taste, scent, sight, and hearing?

What are our personalities? What forms them, what is the equation that gives out the sum of all our parts?

Back on our senses....what about the telepathy, empathy, precognition? The ESP qualities? Are people that have these of a higher evolutionary tract, or a lower one? Have they developed something the most of us do not have, or are they merely listening to their instincts more? Their 'gut feeling' that the higher thinking and evolution of mankind has out thought the need for. It's something to consider, isn't it?

What are the sum of all our parts, and is the sum the same for all of us....or is it the equation that gives us our detail, our differences? What are the parts we're considering...why are some people better at math than the arts, languages than the sciences? Why is there a disparity between the sexes? The way either gender thinks is completely alien to the other...why?

Don't you just love it when I get philosophical and 'deep'? In other news, I have a new laptop, and it is -awesome-. Has. Everything. You name it, my laptop has it, can do it. <3 Bluetooth, wireless, numerous usb ports, camera, mic, ....literally, everything that is the current rage. <3

Been working for 8 days straight now, so i'm a bit tired, just a little, but it's a 42 hour week, yay for 12 hours overtime, 2 time and a half, 10 double time. Lotsa monies ^_^ Uni is happening, yay for an hour travelling time because I can't really move out just yet, unless an aunt of mine (who works at the uni I'm going to) agrees to pick me up (and let me live with her, save on fuel and all that) So....yeah.

I think that's about it, oh, melbourne was a blast, even though there are ALOT of people in melbourne and I'm crowd phobic. Me and my boyfriend discovered that as I got all snarly and grrr and bitey at the invasions of personal space. That was amusing. Not.

That's about all I can say for now peoples, keep smiling and all that, things could be worse.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I don't think empathy, as I understand it, is an ESP trait, but I think some people are just far more fortunate in others. Most people can learn, through various training exercises, how to sense chi etc., but some people are just born with it. I don't understand the difference why, but it's possible that something in the brain is different at birth which allows a person to have higher senses. Another possible explanation is the unexplained- the that is to say, the spirit which religion tends to try and explain.

As to everything else that makes a person, well... People have wondered about it for thousands of years. I hope you get to read a bit of philosophy as part of your course, but if not, you should check out your campus library and have a prowl.

Sophie's World, by Jostein Gaarder is a great place to start. Seriously.