I know you!

Monday 7 May 2007

We regret the rise of the Emo culture; Nazi Donald Duck!

First off, thise YouTube thing, it's awesome....and funny as XD I like it.

And second, the first part of the title....go the reversal. That was my topic for a debate last week, and I was on the negative team, thankfully. Which means I was arguing that we do NOT regret the rise of the emo culture.

I was the third speaker, so I had to rebutt the entirety of the oppositions argument and summarise my own teams. Here's my rebuttal...(that's basically pointing out and then negating everything they say)

  • who defines the 'unhealthy' mindset, does the common public have psychology degrees?
This was a major point of theirs, stating that the 'emo' crowd had un unhealthy mindset and an unhealthy way of expressing themselves.

  • Would they be 'against the world' if the world bothered to try and 'illuminate' their darkened room?
They put forward the point that all emo's are against the world, and the classic emo's depiction is them in a corner in a darkened room. We argued it was a cry for help, a cry that has been ridiculed and neglected, ignored. That it was far easier to ignore and 'other' the emo's, slap a lable on them, to get to the heart of the matter.

  • So thinking and absorbed in their own observations is 'bad'? what about Einstein, Newton, Shakespear? Great thinkers of the world yet by your definition, they would be classed as 'emo'.
  • Depression, sadness, is more common than society thinks. The emo culture is exposing it's very existance and for that, for revealing the 'truth' as such, the opposition is saying that we -regret- the truth. It's not pretty, but it's there.
  • 'Positives' and 'negatives', what about the one you don't hear about? the one who's mother OD'd on ICE, crystal meth and has to raise their family while going to school? Do they not have a -right- to be 'emo'?
  • We don't regret the self-expression, but the way it's expressed?
All my team is saying, ladies and gentlemen, is that how can you, me, society as a whole seem to regret something that it actively, if outwardly approves of that self-same society?
Evanescense, My Chemical Romance and their popularity is the proof you need of societies approval. If not approval OF the society then approval FOR it instead and it's popularity in iteself.
Every second or third person walking down the street seems to be wearing black, has numerous body peircings, are class as 'emo'. Ladies and gentlemen, a mode of self-expressionism is in the emo culture, the ability to express themselves and confront the world in a way that the teenagers of the past have never been allowed to do. And, if we remove, regret and DENY these 'emo's their self-expression, their individuality, say that they should conform to societies expectations, then we are turning from the democratic society we are SUPPOSED to be, and dare i say it? turning towards a communist one. A society where everyone is exactly the same.
and that, ladies and gentlemen, is NOT what we are. How can a society regret the music, their right to be an individual and the styles of dress? can society as a whole regret a society within itself that gives it variety. Can anyone for that matter, regret the right to be an individual? That, ladies and gentlemen, is the question I leave you with.

We lost, by the way. Because our first speaker was REALLY bad. like, REALLY.

Any comments?


Sarah said...

Firstly, Donald Duck you old whacko you. Ah, such is the celebration of life's incongruities. How awesome would it be to have a 30 second backdrop for a vacation, and to work 48 hours a day? Heh heh heh.

Secondly, and far importantly, you made me think. This happens rarely. I think a lot, but it takes a special kind of someone to say, write or create something that gives me food for thought. It's terrible that your team lost- if it were an audience vote, I daresay you would have stood a better chance. Even if the audience were four parents and a kid.

Poojawa said...

Nice to see we have a favorite subject, I'm also in a debate team, though it's my first year, as well as he first time the group's been formed.

But I'm apparently the only one who can think outside the box sometimes -.-

But anyway I find it sad that you lost, after that wonderful and moving speech you made... ah well, can't win all the time eh?