I know you!

Tuesday 1 May 2007


This morning, on the radio I hear a report on how this young lad, barely off his P-plates (that's his first probationary liscence if you don't have the same thing) stopped to pick up a woman and her child.

He was driving down the road, and this woman jumped out infront of his car, so he pulled over, her and her kid got in. He took them where they wanted to go, and when they got there, another group of women jumped him, and stole his car.

Figures eh? Help somebody and it blows up in your face. Like if you have a first aide certificate, common as nowadays, yet people drive past a crash rather than stopping and seeing if they can help, for the simple reason that one guy did it, kept the crash victim alive until the ambulance came, only to get SUED because he BROKE ONE RIB. He broke the guys' rib, so the guy sued him, and won too!

Another example, if someone is drowning and you pull them from the water but you're not a lifesaver (coast guard for the yanks), and they DIE, drown from the water in their lungs, YOU are held liable for their death from the moment you touch them, simply from trying to stop the poor moron from drowning. Figures eh?


Sarah said...

I hear that. There are all sorts of awful stories about helping people, only to have the selfish bastards sue you for it. It pisses me off. Hell, help them anyway, and if they sue you, drown them/hit them with your car.

Poojawa said...

yeah... people in America just loooooove doing that. If theres a way, it'll be sued for a shit ton of cash... like you put a dent in their car... they'll sue you for 25,000 because of emotional damages and to replace the car...

I hate America sometimes -.-