I know you!

Sunday 15 July 2007


Yes, I am free! Have been for a week actually, been staying up at my fathers, and I've been quite happy, which if any of you who have spoken to me recently will no doubt have noticed that I -seem- happier. And I was, I love my father, if he wants me to do something, he gives me a -reason- for it, other than 'because I said so'.

Like yesterday, he wanted me to get off the net, so I did. You know why? Because he wanted my help with shifting stuff. First I had to fill a trailor load of wood, two people with chainsaws, one carter, and I managed to keep up rather well with the loads. That was fine, then I had to help shift two...no, three bookcases (empty of course) and load them up onto a ute. Then, to top it all off, I helped load up a wallunit (a wardrobe like thing, hell heavy) onto a trailor.

My arms were twinging slightly about now. A fifteen minute drive, if not a bit more, and we get the joy of unloading the lot again. *sigh* my arms are now on strike, they're forming unions and refusing to work.

So you see, whenever my father asks me to do something, I can actually give a -reason- for it, and I get one back, one more definite than 'because I said so' or, 'because I don't want you to'

Yes, I have been happy, quietly, blissfully happy. And then mother dearest arrives for a few hours.

So, barely half an hour has passed and she's gone off at me, twice. *sighs* Figures eh? So my happy mood was gone, like that. Hence why I haven't posted actually, happiness is boring to post about, who wants to read about people being happy? It's boring.

Side note: Kill Bill 1&2 are -awesome- watched them the other day, and one quote just stuck with me, I love it!

Bill: ...why didn't you tell me?

Beatrice: I...I don't know, because I'm a bad person.

Bill: No no, you're not a bad person, you're a wonderful, nice, kind person. My favourite person, but sometimes, you're a real cunt.

I just love that little mini scene thing! It's so sad, so ....awwww ness and yet you laugh, he's going to stand, take those five steps and die but it's so sweet! They both still love each other, but they can't move from the path they've chosen, Beatrice for revenge and Bill from what he is...It's so sad, so sweet so...just awwwwww. <3

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I'm very glad to hear your life is improving. I have to say it's a pleasant change. If only freedom weren't so evanescent, but would we appreciate it if it wasn't?

A bit of heavy lifting is good for you :P At least, most guys would consider the pain to be "good burn". That's the microfibers restitching to become stronger. See? Goods and bads to everything.