I know you!

Sunday 8 July 2007

Life update!

First off...I posted twice? o.o I didn't notice, honestly, and the reason neither post was actually finished was because my mind has been rather skittish recently. Refusing to concentrate on anything.

Lets see...what's been going on in my life? Mother dearest has decided to stop trying to control my life, since I have this knack for circumventing her attempts to, even while 'following' her 'orders'. So yes, things are happier now than they have been, since I am hiding my emotions and only showing those that she wishes to see. Smart alec-y sarcastic humour.

Oh, my art teacher likes what I've been painting, it's shells, a larger canvas done in shades of blue, and then a smaller one to go ontop done in shades of red and yellow. It looks rather nice actually, if I do say so myself. In a Lit test like thing, an in class essay, I think I did pretty well, I used quotes from three poems so that should get me brownie points if nothing else does.

My mother's boyfriend is trying to control me now, snapping at me and the like, which means that when mum pulls him up on it, he gets antzy and even worse. Because of his daughter, being a 6yo, he automatically assumes that the same methods would work on, and be appropriate for myself. It's frustrating you know? To be seen as a child, when you're almost an adult, legally, yet you know, in your entire body, that when you gain your majority they're going to treat you exactly the same?

Oh, and you know how I want to go travelling or whatever after school finishes? Mother dearest has somehow contrived that into being an insult against -her-, that I don't care about what she does etc, fair enough I don't, but I would have moved out at the end of school anyways, whether or not we got along better. I'd been planning it since I was about ....12 or so and the end of my school years was looming dangerously close on the horizon.

Mother dearest thinks that because I havent given her the details of exactly -how- I am going to acheive this, she thinks that I'm not going to. But I am damnit, I -am- going to travel, I -am- going to leave her house, and I -am- going to live on my own.

If all else fails, I'll live on a uni campus or something, it shouldn't cost too much extra, since my uni fees ought to be getting paid out in a couple years anyways, from a trust fund my parents started paying when I was like, two.

So yeah, there we go. An update of what has been going on in my life, not that it's terribly exciting, but bleh. Oh, and I have been semi-invited to a couple parties over the holidays, i doubt it will come to pass as the girl who invited me has absolutely no way of contacting me outside school. Figures eh?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

An interesting and gratefully received update. I'm glad of your passion to leave, but passion can only get you so far. Reason and think about it for a while- you need a surefire way of pulling it off, if not to get back at your mother, at least to do something because you want to.

Think about it Angela. Draw up plans, brainstorms, write lists of what you'll need and how you'll get them. Do some research, make some phone calls, talk to people. Maybe you can find help. Just make sure, when the time comes, you're ready to ake off, yeah?