I know you!

Monday 16 July 2007

Spastic dream

Seriously spastic. Most of you know that I haven't trained for a couple years now right? So what the devil am I doing dreaming about being in a tournament?

Okay, so my dream starts in the middle of a kumite (fight) bout, where I'm standing on the sidelines, hot and bothered and slightly smarting as I'd just lost my fight, royally thumped, hey, it was the nationals and I was -way- out of practise. Seriously so. A little blurring of the time, and I'm lining up for a kata round.

Two people who know me ask me who I'd rather verse in the final round. I replied with a snort "I doubt I'll get past the first round, considering I can barely remember the entirety of a kata."

"Oh yeah, that might be a bit of a bummer eh?"

"Hope to get to verse you."

Then the round started, I was semi-watching the other kata's, just mostly stressing over the fact that this was a NATIONAL competition and I had NOTHING to work with for the first round. I wasn't even sure if I had the entirety of the Kata I was planning to do in my head.

My turn comes up, and I've got a seriously bad case of stage fright. I straighten my shoulders, walk out to the middle of the mat, bow, keep my eyes shut, walk to the center, bow again and open my eyes. "Heian Godan!" I say, the first round -always- has to be a heian kata, it's very basic kata's, the first ones you learn. I pull it off...alright, I think I missed bits and added bits and scrambled it into other kata's, but it looked good, must have because I got into the second round.

This round I did Jion, and thoroughly stuffed it up. My two favourite katas, my competition kata actually, the pair that I've done so many times for performing in a tournament that I can do them asleep...and it seems to have semi-paid off. Unfortunately I get knocked out in this round, and the winner went on to win third place, so it's not that bad I suppose. But oddly enough, before the bout had finished, this...balloon cage thing descended through the roof and a moth like she-boy entered the bout, performed a kata, very gracefully and elegantly, and won first place.

After that, my dad helped me go through jion, basically reteaching it to me, so that I remembered the entirety of it. That was fine, once I was satisfied with that, or rather, he was, I went over and befriended the she-boy, since no one was really sure if he was a she or a he, too feminine looking to be a he, yet lacking the obvious female characteristics, hips for one, to be a she. We were having a nice chat, when he invited me into his bubble-cage thing, I said a goodbye to my dad and all that, before following him. We went up through the roof and over fields and things, still talking, well more, him laughing as I was awe-ing at the view. And then....and then my cat jumped up onto my bed and laid against my legs, waking me up.

I was fine enough with that and all, but what's got me freaked out, is that because I had the kata retaught to me in my dreams, I can remember the ENTIRE kata -now-, while I'm awake, and I won't be struggling to remember which move comes next or anything. Odd...very, odd.

Oh, and my moth she-boy, was silver, a quite a luxurious shade of silvery grey that shimmers in the light...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

A curious dream indeed. Not spectacular, but one I can relate to closely. The exhilaration and nonsense is familiar, and yet it all makes such obvious perfect sense.

Dreams are, as we understand them, links between the short term and long term memory, associating the subconscious with images we understand. Somewhere, deep in your memory, it seems you locked away the movements for Jion.

Get back into training soon Angela- you'll be so grateful that you did.