I know you!

Tuesday 24 July 2007


You know, sometimes I hate having such high morals that I do, and what I hold as value, since it tends to create such arguments among those around me.

I've just had an RE class to do with morals and arguing with almost everyone else in my class because they quite frankly, can't see beyond their own blasted nose! I mean, it was to do with capitalism and how the more selfish the society the higher the level of mental illness is etc, but we got to arguing about people having choices. The general opinion was that -everyone- chose what they did, if someone raped another they CHOSE to do so. Fair enough, there is -some- choice in the matter, but more often than not there is next to no choice, not as you would consider a 'choice' to be. It's not always black and white, right and wrong.

I tried to bring in the point of prostitutes, how not all of them -choose- to be streetwalkers, it's the only way they can support themselves, their families etc. One bright spark said 'well become a waitress' and from there the argument went on. *sighs*

So, I got fed up with them condemning those that make 'bad' choices and I just -had- to say something. I said "This will get me yelled at, but from what I'm hearing, you are all from rich families, you have to to go here (it's an expensive school) so you can't know what these other people face to make the 'choises' they do, it's not always a choice. So get down off your high horse and away from the assumption that EVERYONE comes from the same background as you, on the same pedastle that you oh so regally look down from when they DON'T. Walk a mile in another's shoes before you judge them.'

Yes, well, that got me royally yelled at. Fair enough I could have phrazed it more delicately than I did, but you can understand that I was a bit pissed off by this point. They're saying that no matter what happens you can always make a choice yadda yadda yadda. I mean, COME ON people, the world is NOT perfect, get down of your horse and walk the streets for a while, get your lilly-white feet dirty and THEN you can tell me that they made the fucking choice to steal.

I'm an openminded person, extremely so, I don't cast stones, not without having been in that exact same situation and I have reacted in a way different to them. The girls in my class were all for saying 'who do you think you are? You don't know me, you don't know what I've been through' etc, and too right, I DON'T know whaty THEY have been through, but I DO know what OTHERS have. And it is from -that- knowledge that I condemn them for 'lording' it over the 'lower class'.

Yeah, Australia is a classless society my foot.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Considering your school, you are one of the very few who understand, at least a little, life outside the comfort zone. However, the people in your class that didn't rebuke you probably think you have a point. Not all hope is lost.

If you want to be blameless, treat your peers as equal when you share your experience.

I believe that everyone has control over themselves, and they make certain choices which affect their lives. There are dire consequences to some of these choices, and sometimes a terrible choice is the best path to take. Nevertheless, all of us have some level of freedom with which to exercise our ability to make choices.