I know you!

Sunday 8 April 2007

Irrational fears and pet peeves

Had a lovely night at work last night, we were slow, so I had fun, oddly enough. Yet, of course, twere too good to be true. My mother, whome I dislike intensely (don't go yelling at me for this, after you've lived with my mother and know how neurotic and psychotic she is, -then- you can yell at me, perhaps.) decided that it has been long enough without a fight between the two of us.

I have a nice evening at work, but to end my night she starts going off at me. Fair enough I can understand some of her annoyances, like me not doing a whole lot around the house for instance, but when you have the fact that you're more of a loner than a social butterfly thrown in your face it's a bit...annoying. Simply, I'm a loner, I've always been a loner and no doubt I will always -be- a loner. I prefer my own company to a crowd with it's inane noise and the smell....ugh.

But of course, as I don't have many whome I would call a 'friend' there are quite a few whome would call -me- a friend. You can see the difference? Bah, regardless....all water under the bridge, since I had no desire to partake in the screaming match she was itching to deliver.

Now, onto irrational fears.

You know the common fears, arachnaphobia, claustrophobia, xenophobia? What about those that are less common, melissaphobia, hydrophobia and so on?
By the by, melissaphobia isn't a fear of Melissas :P (I know quite a few ditzy ones myself) it's a fear of bees. Hydrophobia is a fear of water.

Do you know anyone that has a really...out there phobia?

I've got a friend that's absolutely petrified, paranoid that ninja's are out to get him and that they're only waiting for him to relax his guard before attacking. It's amusing to watch him stamp on plastic bags and the like, looking for hidden ninjas. Another friend of mine is terrified of moths. Now, if this friend was female, it could be understandable yes? Well....he's not.

Of course, I teased him, after soothing him that no, the moth all of (---) that big wasn't going to eat him. And then suggested idly that I should tell him about vampire moths...

No, don't look at me like that, they're real! Honest! Big moths, about six inches across, all grey and fuzzy like. Massive things they are. You have to be careful, they'll go for any piece of bare skin they can find to suck your blood. Tis why they're called 'vampire' moths.
Is the truth! My uncle got attacked by one when I was little, he was lucky to survive!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

That's awful! Don't EVER tell him about vampire moths!

And seriously, if you'd been attacked half as many times as I have, you'd realise they're out to get you too! o.O