I know you!

Saturday 14 April 2007


Okay, this most likely will not make a whole lot of sense, and if it -does- make sense then it's simply because I've been rambling long enough to put a coherent sentence together.

It's 2am on a fri-...no, saturday morning, i'm being sneaky since mother dearest and her boyfriend are workign the night shift and I didn't want them watching over my shoulder. It's a bit hard to rant about someone, when that someone is reading your words, you know? And that's what she does, by the by, she doesn't trust me so she thinks it's a mothers perrogrative to watch her 17 year old daughter type up her personal thoughts and whatnot, for OTHER people to read, strangers that couldn't give two hoots about her.

Yeah, when I'm tired all my mental issues make themselves known. To make things plain to people just wafting through, i do NOT get along with my mother. Think of how well America and the Al Queda (however you spell it) get along, then amplify it by about five....and that's how well mother and I get along. Nuclear warfar springs to mind as an apt representation.

Oh, you'll note that I mentioned that I'm semi-emo? I say that I'm emo simply because I'm sort of suicidal. Been depressed since I was about 8 so that's what....9 years now? and it's all thanks to my lovely mother yay! that and the moronic boys at school. Idiots, the entire male gender.

Now don't get me wrong! I may not hold the male mentality in very high regard, but I -do- like the male body. Girls are just....ick. Dont do anything for me, and from how my mother has treated me, if I didn't have the bits I would loathe the entire gender.

I really think I should stop now, before I say something incriminating.


Elias said...

I actually give three or four hoots about you, sweetheart...of course, I'm also male so...

Unknown said...

Yeah, but honey, you're one in what...several hundred that may or may not brows(sp? three tries and it STILL looks wrong) through my blog so....

Besides, you're a sweet male, and I haven't known you long enough to note whether you have the common male mentality or not. I don't like the common female mentality either...hell, I just don't get along with people full stop :P

Sarah said...

"Idiots, the entire male gender."
I resent that! Do you really think so?