I know you!

Thursday 26 April 2007


I actually had a fairly relevant blog planned out, giving you a nice something to read but then...logging on using a school computer gave me my blog in italian. Yay.

I don't speak italian, I am not fluent in italian, yet my blog is IN italian, or italiano as they say.

Lets see, the tags at the top say 'posting' then down under that is 'crea', 'modifica post' 'modera commenti'. Next tab 'impostazioni' and then 'modello', yay we can 'visualizza blog'.

i can 'salva come bozza' or 'pubblica' I'm guessing that once i've finished typing up this random post, I'll want to 'pubblica' it.

Lets see if I can remember what I was going to post...


Um.....oh! STOCKINGS! I HATE STOCKINGS!?!!!!! They're one of, if not THE most annoying thing ever created by mysogynistic morons. Like heels. Heels are bad, but they make the female leg look good so we wear them all the time. I'm not an extreme feminist, the whole 'burn the bra' thing, considering that bra's do a decent job of holding up things that need to be held. I don't know about the rest of the ladies out there, but I do NOT want to have my own set of knee knockers, BEFORE I'm 75 thankyou very much.

Heels + stockings = very easily annoyed girl.

Guess what my school uniform contains? Yes, that's right. I have to wear black stockings and black lace up heels. *sighs* Along with a blazer, a tie, a green checkered skirt and a white button up shirt.

I've been told by a friend that they would -so- rape me in that. I'm not quite sure if that makes my school uniform better, or worse.

To set your minds at ease, they were male. But rather largely male biased so....gay would be better? maybe? I dunno, is it a good thing or a bad thing that what you're currently wearing will encourage your male friends to rape you? o.o

Back in the school bustle and buzz and annoyances....gah. I've been in here for all of ....four hours or so now, and I'm already sick of it. Again. *sighs* And I'm COLD! It's 18 degrees celcius (about 70 odd farenheit) and I'm freezing! Cold fingers, not good. Yes, I'm Aussie, live with it. I LIKE the hot climate, 10 degrees C is cold for me so stfu if it's a hot day for you!

Stupid people from frozen wastelands...*mutter*

And on that note, I'll leave you with this random, whimsical, freezing blog of mine. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Your Italian is marvelous. Are you sure heels are an essential part of your uniform? They misalign your spine!